
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2018年5月21日訊息 【點亮光網格情報更新】


【柯博拉Cobra】2018年5月21日訊息 【點亮光網格情報更新】
Firing the Grid Update

Certain Light Forces fleet, even more evolved that the Pleiadian fleet, has begun activating and preparing certain key members of the surface population for Compression Breakthrough and the Event.


This process may trigger all of suppressed energy patterns and belief systems and its purpose is to test preparedness.


Remain calm.



Dragon sources have communicated that holders of cintamani stones are part of the planetary grid for Compression Breakthrough. This grid now extends into the Agartha network. Cintamani is a sacred stone of the Agartha network. Dragons are asking everybody to treat cintamani stones with respect and are requesting people who are involved in surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones in moments when they are having a conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in a extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.


編註:經Jedi 於5/22日當面詢問過Cobra有關如意寶珠於光網格的相關問題後,得到以下的說明:



Victory of the Light!



翻譯:Patrick Shih



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2018年5月14日訊息【抵抗運動招募規則的補充說明】


Entry Protocols Update

Entry Protocols blog post has triggered strong reactions and so it requires an update.


First, it was never claimed that pre-Event entries into the Resistance will happen. It was stated that they may, or may not happen. Entry protocols were given to the surface population so it may be prepared in case they do happen.


Second, if pre-Event entries do happen, they might not happen in the immediate future (days, weeks or even months).


Third, these entries are only intended for a very small number of people, between 20 and 200 individuals. This is NOT a mass recruitment campaign for the Resistance.


Fourth, these entries are only intended for two categories of people, the first category being very advanced Lightworkers / Lightwarriors with minimal attachments to the surface population that require a well deserved rest in a more beautiful and loving environment and the second category being Lightworkers / Lightwarriors with practical experience in cultural anthropology, communicology, sexology, counseling psychology, cultural psychology, sociology and social work. This second category will help the Resistance in future interactions with surface population, as Resistance members are many times at a loss how to interact with often reactive surface humanity.


Fifth, these entries will very seldom be presented to surface members with strong family attachments. Surface population will experience many surprises in their personal relationships after the Event and needs to distinguish between emotional attachment and unconditional love:



Sixth, candidates for Resistance entry will go through a process of inner preparation so if and when the entry does happen, they will be able to trust the process through inner Soul connection with their inner voice of truth and with the Resistance. People with excessive amount of fear and mistrust are not considered as candidates.


Seventh, an entry into Resistance is considered to be a spiritual initiatory experience and therefore the candidate needs to go through the experience in full alignment with his own free will and on his own. This is an entrance into a higher reality and is NOT a trap, leading to some reptilian underground base.


Eighth, banana comments that have mushroomed over the internet in the last few days are proof that most of the surface population is not ready for contact. So do not complain if there are delays in the future.


Luckily, many people are sane enough to see with their own eyes that I have not been replaced with a clone, and that my intel still stands:



譯註:Edward Morgan參加2018台北揚升會議之後寫了這一篇證實Cobra仍然還是本尊的澄清文章。

Victory of the Light!


翻譯:Patrick Shih


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2018年5月9日訊息【加入抵抗運動的招募規則】


Entry Protocols

Behind the scenes, the Light forces are preparing the most awakened individuals of the surface population for physical contact with positive subsurface and extraterrestrial forces.

These preparations are part of a huge project that I am involved with.

In full alignment with the new (beta) timeline, certain most awakened members of the surface population may, or may not be given an option to leave the surface of the planet and be accepted within the underground Resistance Movement or other positive Agartha factions.

Recent prophetic dream of Teresa Yanaros is a direct result of this awakening sequence and requires a detailed analysis:
光明勢力進行的覺醒工作導致Teresa Yanaros在最近做了一個預知夢。這個預知夢需要進行詳細的解析:



譯註:Teresa Yanaros在5月2日夢到自己受邀進入地底世界。

The dream was taking place in a hypnagogic state, that thin line between the waking state and sleep that is a portal between physical and higher dimensions:


The dream was induced as a signal for the surface population to start preparing for the contact with the Agartha network, and actually reveals a large part of entry protocols.

If you are reading this, you may, or may not be invited to enter the Resistance or other positive Agartha faction before the Event.

I can give exact description and guidance for the entry protocols into the Resistance. I can not give exact entry protocols for other positive Agartha factions, although they are almost exactly the same in most aspects.

If you are selected for pre-Event entry into the Resistance, the entry protocols are as follows:

1. You will be physically contacted by a Resistance agent, very near to the place where you live. He or she will be wearing plain civilian clothes and will emanate very positive energy. He/she will introduce herself/himself to you and ask you if your are willing to enter the Resistance. It will be explained to you that after entering the Resistance, you will NOT be able to have any physical contact with the surface population.


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2018年5月4日訊息【點亮光網格】


Firing the Grid

The Pleiadians have communicated that this short message needs to be relayed to the surface population. 

The Pleiadian Fleet is now utilizing AN conversion to start spiritually and energetically activating certain key members of the surface population in full alignment with their Soul free will.

The purpose of this activation needs to remain classified for now.


This activation may include visions, lucid dreams, kundalini awakenings and rapid transformation of belief systems. 

If you are experiencing such an activation, stay calm and do not act impulsively, especially in your close personal relationships.

Victory of the Light!


翻譯:Patrick Shih


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2018年4月30日訊息 【簡短近況更新】


【柯博拉Cobra】2018年4月30日訊息 【簡短近況更新】
Short Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The remaining plasma toplet bombs are still the main obstacle that needs to be removed before the Event can be triggered. 

Mjolnir is hitting the surface of the planet in a way that can not be disclosed here. The only thing I can say is that AN conversion has been added recently as an additional wavelet function to Mjolnir technology that will assist in breaking the hostage gridlock on the surface of the planet:



Since the activation of beta timeline on January 27th, all intel about the surface operations has gone deep black. This means that the Light forces are NOT releasing any critical intel about surface operations to anyone, and you will not be able to receive any reliable intel updates about surface operations (except from a few bread crumbs here and there) anywhere on internet, the reason being that the Light forces do not wish to betray their new meta-strategy for planetary liberation.
自從地球在1月27日進入beta 時間線之後,所有關於地表任務的情報都被嚴格保密。光明勢力不會對任何人公開任何關於地表任務的關鍵情報。大家也找不到任何關於地表任務的可靠情報更新(網路上只會流傳一些蛛絲馬跡)。光明勢力不想搞砸他們用來解放地球的新策略。

Certain aspects of the plan for the Event have changed, whereas certain aspects have remained the same. Rest assured that you will receive critical intel regarding your role in the Event operations as the Event approaches, when needed and when necessary.


“Social dynamics” articles that have appeared on my blog since the implementation of the new timeline have left certain people confused, even leading to speculation that original Cobra has been replaced with a clone. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those “social dynamics” articles are fully aligned with the plan, and more “social dynamics” articles will follow.


Behind the scenes, I am involved with a certain project that is crucial for planetary liberation and requires most of my time, energy and resources. For that reason my blog posts for the surface population are currently a little bit less frequent, emails get answered a bit more slowly and business orders get processed with a slight delay.

Thank you for your understanding.

Victory of the Light!


翻譯:Patrick Shih