
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2017年3月PFC 訪談


【柯博拉Cobra】2017年3月PFC 訪談
 Cobra / Prepare for Change: March Interview

Lynn – Hi Cobra (http://2012portal.blogspot.com) Welcome to our March update. This is Lynn from www.prepareforchange.net and Aaron on sound and he’ll be doing half of the questions. So we will start with current event questions and then migrate on to other things. As always, we have more than enough questions. We’re going to get a little extra time with Cobra today so hopefully we’ll be able to get through more questions. Cobra, the first question I have is:

Lynn – Hi Cobra歡迎來到我們三月訪談。我是的Lynn,Aaron負責錄音,他會提出一半問題。我們會問一些有關當前事件的問題,然後轉到其他話題。我們有太多的提問。今天我們和Cobra會花多一點時間,希望能回答更多提問。Cobra,第一個問題是:

Will you please explain in detail to us the meaning of the Success of the February 26th, (2017) Etheric Liberation that we did for the Congo. It was a meditation and you told us that it was quite successful. We reached critical mass. Are there any comments you can give me on this?


COBRA – Actually I have released a detailed report about this. Basically what we have achieved is we reached a critical mass that was needed to actually penetrate the veil and create a lasting change in the structure of the plasma plane around this planet. We have basically sealed the Congo anomaly which is now in the process of extremely fast healing and this has triggered a strong chain reaction with other vortexes around the planet, especially the Syrian vortex and there were immediate effects 4 days after that Palmyra was liberated. There were many other effects. One of the most important effect was the strength of the negative forces have diminished greatly on the plasma plane around the planet since that time. They’re losing that territory very fast. (fantastic)

COBRA – 我已經給出一份詳細的報告。基本上我們達成了所需的關鍵臨界人數,穿透帷幕在行星周圍的等離子層創造了一次持續轉變。我們基本上已經封住了剛果的異常,它的正在被極速快速地療愈,對行星上其他的漩渦觸發了一次強大的連鎖反應,尤其是敘利亞漩渦。即時的效果是4天后巴爾米拉解放。還有其他影響。其中最重要一個影響是從那時開始行星等離子層的負面勢力被極大地削弱,他們正非常快速地失去地盤。

Lynn – I hope things improve significantly especially for Africa.

Lynn – 我希望事情有很大改善,尤其在非洲。

COBRA – They will. But of course on the physical plane this will take time and especially after The Event there will be more lasting changes on the physical plane. (wonderful, that’s really good news)

COBRA – 是的。但物理層面將要花一些時間,特別是”事件”後會有更多持續的轉變。

Aaron – Hi Cobra, this is Aaron and we’ll start out with the first question: Corey Goode says that he was told by the Sphere Being Alliance that their Job is the management and transfer of planetary populations. Is it possible that these beings are going to be in charge of the transfer & transportation of Earth’s population at the time of the planetary reset expected sometime after The Event?

Aaron – Cobra,我是Aaron,我們第一個問題是:Corey Goode說球體存有聯盟告訴他,他們的工作是行星人類的轉移和管理。這些存有是不是將會在”事件”之後,行星重置的期間負責地球人類的轉移運輸?

COBRA – OK. I cannot comment on Corey Goode’s intel so you need to formulate this question a little bit differently.

COBRA – 我無法評論Corey Goode的信息,你要用一個不同的方式提出這個問題。

Aaron – He goes on to say: I Believe that this the same event mentioned in the Bible as the rapture? Can you tell me a little about this Cobra?

Aaron – 他繼續說:我相信這和聖經所說的被提是同一件事。Cobra能否告訴我們一些什麼?

COBRA – Actually, Bible has many hints on The Event and the Compression Breakthrough and the Rapture is actually one of the later phases of the Ascension process. (ok, thank you)

COBRA – 實際上聖經有很多關於”事件”和壓縮突破的暗示,被提是揚升過程其中一個後期階段。

Lynn – So the Ascension process is not an immediate event. It goes on for a period of time?

Lynn – 所以揚升過程不是即時的,它需要進行一段時間?

COBRA – Yes, of course The Event, I have explained this so many times. The Event is actually when the breakthrough happens. This means disclosure, it means arrest of the Cabal and it means financial re-set. The actually Ascension process actually really starts at that time. (great, thank you)

COBRA – 是的。我已經解釋過很多次,”事件”是壓縮突破發生的時候。這代表大揭露,陰謀集團的逮捕和金融重置。揚升過程實際上在那個時候才真正開始。

Lynn – Is part of the Dark Fleet that Corey Goode mentioned that was left trapped inside our solar system when the so called outer barrier (that protects this solar system from anyone coming in or getting out) still roaming in Antarctica, their bases on our moon and orbiting our solar system?

Lynn – Corey提到被(防止任何人出入的)外圍屏障困住的黑暗艦隊仍然徘徊在南極洲,月球基地和我們的太陽系?

COBRA – Basically what Corey terms “Dark Fleet” is still active to a certain degree in Antarctica and this will be changed very soon. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – Corey所說的”黑暗艦隊”仍然某程度上在南極活動,這個情況會很快改變。

Aaron – On a Facebook post by Corey Goode dated March 12, 2017 (https://www.facebook.com/BlueAvians/posts/1716167242014398)
Corey says the following:

“It is obvious that the Data Dumps have begun. We will not get the full data dump as the SSP Alliance was pushing for. It is turning out to be more of a strategic cluster of data dumps. We expect it to be a “tit for tat” document release war in the beginning. The Cabal will most likely release a batch of data against certain member groups of the Earth Alliance next. Both sides will attempt to discredit the sources that present data against them which will further confuse the public.” Is this true Cobra?

Aaron –在2017年3月12日的Facebook貼文裡Corey說:(https://www.facebook.com/BlueAvians/posts/1716167242014398)

COBRA – This is true now to a certain degree but will not be true after The Event. The Event actually means full disclosure without any compromise or any hidden agendas.

COBRA – 現在一定程度是真的,但”事件”後將不會這樣。”事件”意味著全面揭露,沒有任何妥協或者隱藏的議程。

Aaron – Are we going to get a partial disclosure?

Aaron – 我們是否會看到一次局部揭露?

COBRA – We are NOT going to get a partial disclosure. We are going to get a full disclosure. That’s not an option It is not a subject of discussion. I will repeat again; we will get full disclosure. (OK, thank you, thank you)

COBRA – 不會,我們會看到的是全面揭露。局部揭露不是選項也不是一個討論的主題。我再重複一次:我們會進行全面揭露。

Lynn – It is said that there is a planet called Vulcan which is currently not visible to us. This first density planet seems to be closer than Mercury to the Sun. What do you know about this planet and if it exists, why has this been kept secret from us and for what purpose?

Lynn – 據說有一個叫Vulcan的行星,它目前是不可見的。這個第一密度行星似乎比水星更接近太陽。如果這個行星存在,你知道點什麼?為什麼要隱瞞這個行星,有什麼目的?

COBRA – It is a theoretical planet that some astronomers proposed it exists but actually does not exist.

COBRA – 這是一些天文學家提出的一個理論上的星球,但實際上它不存在。

Aaron – Some scientist said that the Montauk project foundation was derived from a deep & occult hard core Satanic practices and rituals. Is this true?

Aaron – 一些科學家說蒙淘克計劃基金會源自一個深層神秘的撒旦實踐和儀式的核心團體,是嗎。

COBRA – To a certain degree, yes.

COBRA – 某程度上是的。

Lynn – Will you describe what is the Montauk Project’s main purpose, the damage caused by it in our society, the consequences of it and the plans of the light forces to heal its millions of victims?

Lynn – 能否描述一下蒙淘克計劃的主要目的,對我們社會造成的損害,它有什麼影響,以及對於數百萬受害者的治療光明勢力有什麼計劃。

COBRA – Ok, basically the purpose of this project was to play with the timelines. They wanted to get control of the various timelines. They were not successful, but as a result of their experimentation there was certain amount of primary anomaly which was then, I would say more prominent on the surface of the planet and this is already taken care of. So that’s not a problem anymore. The only problem remaining is the victims of that program which are still in need of healing and that will happen after The Event. (thank you Cobra.)

COBRA – 這個計劃的目的是干涉時間線。他們想控制各條時間線。他們沒有成功,但他們實驗的一個結果是讓一些原生異常在地表上更為突出,這已經得到處理。所以它不再是問題。唯一剩下的問題是那個計劃的受害者需要治療,這將會在”事件”之後。

Aaron – Next question. I found the following statement and I’d like you to tell me what you know about this: The statement starts by saying: Do you really think that you are getting pure marijuana, or clean marijuana? Think again! This is the marijuana especially the legal medical grade which is cataloged in Quantico Virginia at the FBI; implanted and chipped…. nano tech., it’s all GMO nanite compatible, very tiny computer systems. Same as with all smokes, vape, junk foods, etc. He’s asking Is this true?

Aaron – 下一個問題。我發現有以下這個說法,我想你告訴我們你知道點什麼。這個說法一開始說:你真的覺得你買到的是純淨大麻,或者乾淨的大麻?再想想吧!尤其是被弗吉尼亞寬提科的FBI實驗室列為藥用級別大麻,它們都被植入了納米技術,全部都是轉基因加上納米機器人,非常微小的電腦系統。同樣地所有香煙,電子煙,垃圾食品等等都是。他問這是不是真的。

COBRA – Yes it’s true. (hmmm, wow)

COBRA – 是的。

Lynn – Cobra, the next question is from the same author as the previous question: It is all a show! The US Government collects over $3 trillion in electric bills in the big cities every month! There’s no such thing as a deficit. They make 100x’s of times the amount of money that is needed just by taxing the people. They come up with ways to waste & produce a deficient mindset. They make the money to begin with and then they print it out of thin air. There is zero-point energy and replicator devices so that if they can manufacture (and they do) all the materials, tools, craft, etc. that they need, while people are basically stuck down-here. It’s all a show. All the bills are prepaid. We need to take back our straw-man. This is what I was told by members of the Elite. They said it’s all “on account”. The rest is a deception a joke, and they are getting away with it and plan to end this civilization and flee to another environment. Can you comment on this Cobra?

Lynn – 下一個問題來自之前那個問題的作者:全都是一場戲!美國政府每個月從大城市收到3萬億電費。沒有一個東西叫赤字。他們通過向人民徵稅造出100倍所需的金錢數額。他們想方設法地浪費,並且製造一個匱乏的思維模式。他們無中生有地印錢。他們有零點能源和複制機,製造他們所需的所有材料,工具的同時人們還在為生成掙扎。全部都是一場戲。所有的賬單已經預先支付了。這是一個精英成員告訴我的。他們說所有都”記在賬上”,剩下的是一個騙局和笑話,他們打算結束這個文明然後逃到其他地方。你能否評論一下。

COBRA – This is quite a nice description of what is happening right now on the planet and it’s good that people are awaking to this reality. And of course we are going to change that. It is not going to happen. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 這是對行星現狀的一個很好的描述,人們意識到這個現實是好的。當然我們會改變它,不會讓這件事發生。

Aaron – Next question. We were told on Monday, March 20, 2017 that David Rockefeller died earlier that day at his estate in New York City.   If this is true, his death would have coincided with the March Equinox.   Can you tell us if he truly died at this time?   Or was this a fake death, delivered to the public to accomplish something?

Aaron – 下一個問題是,我們知道大衛.洛克菲勒3月20日早些時候在他的紐約住所中逝世。如果是真的,他的死與三月春分時間一致。他這次是不是真死?或者這是一次假死,為了某些目的告訴公眾?

COBRA – It was a true death. He really died and he is not in a cloned body, so he is truly and really dead. (OK)

COBRA – 這是一次真死。他確實死了,他不是在一個克隆身體裡,所以他是真正地死亡。

Aaron – Do you know if this was a natural death and he wasn’t taken out by the Light Forces right?

Aaron – 這是不是一次自然死亡,他不是被光明勢力帶走的?

COBRA – I would say he died as a consequence of his fear after being exposed to certain operations of the light forces. (OK)

COBRA – 我會說當他暴露於光明勢力某些行動之後,出於恐懼他就死了。

Aaron – Can you tell us any more about the departure of David Rockefeller and how it effects the plans of the Cabal?

Aaron – 告訴我們更多有關大衛.洛克菲勒的死亡,這件事如何影響到陰謀集團的行動?

COBRA – OK, I think I will speak about this in my next blog update. (OK, thank you, great)

COBRA – 我想我將會在下一次博客更新的時候談到這件事。

Lynn – It is Also reported that in June, 2014, David’s son, Dr. Richard Rockefeller, died in a plane crash near his father’s estate.  But Ben Fulford wrote a while back that Richard Rockefeller faked his death and in truth, he fled to an underground base in South America. Can you fill us in on what you know about Rockefeller?

Lynn – 也有報導說2014年他的兒子理查德.洛克菲勒在他爸寓所附近墜機死了。但不久前本傑明.富爾福德說理查德捏造自己死亡,實際上逃到南美的一個地下基地。你對此知道些什麼?

COBRA – So you’re now speaking about the son, (Yes). Yes, he actually went to that base but he’s no longer there. He has been captured. (OK, great, thank you)

COBRA – 你說的是他兒子(是的)。他去了那個基地,但現在已經不在那裡。他已經被逮捕。

Aaron – A number of stunning investigative reports about past and ongoing covert activity in Antarctica has been presented to date. The questioner asks you to sum up any of the intelligence information you can confirm or deny about the validity of these remarkable reports? Please include anything else important to know about this activity in your answer and review.

Aaron – 關於南極過去直到目前正進行的隱蔽活動,有一些驚人的調查報告。這個提問者問你能否總結一下這些信息,你可以確認或者否認這些報告的有效性。關於這些活動如果有其他重要的事情也請你說一下。

COBRA – I would say that too much focus is now put upon Antarctica. It is not the main exo-political issue right now on this planet. But simply one of the places where things are happening and Antarctica is NOT Atlantis. I need to say that. Antarctica does have many ancient ruins that have been discovered as well as in some other places around the planet and all those places will be revealed after The Event. The Cabal will not be able to use those discoveries to divert attention from their crimes. That’s not going to happen.

COBRA – 人們把太多注意力放在南極。現在那裡不是這個行星的星際政治的主要問題,只是其中一個發生事情的地方,並且南極也不是亞特蘭蒂斯。我需要說明這一點。南極確實發現有很多古代遺跡,就像行星上其他一些地方一樣。所有這些地方會在”事件”後公開。陰謀集團無法用這些考古發現把人們注意力從他們的罪行上轉移。這不會發生。

Aaron – Lastly, is the RM (Resistance Movement) working in some manner with Antarctica?

Aaron – 最後,抵抗運動是不是以某種方式對南極採取行動?

COBRA – Yes, they are having very intense operations there right now. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 是的,他們正在那邊有緊張的行動。

Lynn – There was a claim at the end of February that there was radiation contaminating Antarctica as well as some parts of Europe & North America due to a Submarine explosion. There was news floating around about Special Forces evacuating civilians from Antarctica for this reason. Can you tell us about his Cobra?

Lynn – 有人說二月末的時候由於一次潛水艇爆炸造成南極的輻射污染,在歐洲和北美一些地方也受污染。有消息說因為這個原因特種部隊在疏散南極的平民。

COBRA – There was limited radioactivity as a result of this nuclear submarine incident but it was not something that was overly…… it was contained. It was not very dangerous and the evacuation of civilian personnel was not related to that. It was related to, I would say the proxy war that is happening down in Antarctica between the Draco forces and the Galactic Confederation.

COBRA – 這次核潛艇意外造成有限的輻射,但已經被控制,不是非常危險。非軍事人員的疏散與這個沒有關係,而是與南極下面天龍星勢力和銀河聯邦的代理人戰爭有關。

Lynn – So possibly there wasn’t an evacuation for this reason?

Lynn – 所以也許不是因為這個原因疏散?

COBRA – There was an evacuation not because of the radioactivity but because of that war.

COBRA – 有人疏散但不是因為輻射,而是因為戰爭。

Lynn – Is it true that lighting is the best way to get rid of excess radiation in the environment?

Lynn – 燈光的去除環境過量輻射的好方法嗎?

COBRA – No. (OK)

COBRA – 不是。

Aaron – Do you know the REAL reason why Gen. Michael Flynn resigned from his US National Security Adviser position?

Aaron – Michael Flynn 辭任國家安全顧問的真正原因是什麼?

COBRA – I would say there is a very strong in-fighting between various factions right now. The, I would call that Clinton/Rockefeller faction and the Trump/Jesuit faction and this in-fighting resulting in many resignations and changes in that administration and it is not something that is so important as many people think. Because those people who are really pulling those strings behind the scenes are not visible. They are not in the media. They are not exposing themselves. They are just putting certain people as front men to carry out their agenda. (thank you Cobra)

COBRA – 現在各個派系之間有很強的內鬥。克林頓/洛克菲勒派和特朗普/耶穌會派,這個內斗在政府中導致很多辭職和轉變,這些不像很多人所想的那麼重要的。因為那些在幕後操縱的人是看不見的。他們不會出現在媒體上,不會暴露自己。他們只是把一些人當做前台人物執行他們的議程。

Lynn – An article came out recently claiming that Norman Brokaw, the chief executive of the William Morris Agency and Mr. Bill Cosby’s personal agent for 30 years, confirmed that he had discussed with Mr. Cosby his intention of making an offer for NBC with Robert C. Wright. But the network’s president, Illuminati leader, who controls NBC would lose power of the television company if Bill Cosby purchased it. The only way to stop the purchase was to ruin Bill Cosby. They started with fake rape allegations. Do you know about this claim Cobra, is this true or is it only a diversion from the truth?

Lynn – 最近有篇文章說William Morris Agency公司的首席執行官Norman Brokaw,他作為Bill Cosby個人代理30年,他和Cosby討論了和Robert C. Wright一起提出收購全國廣播公司NBC的意圖。但如果Bill Cosby收購成功,控制NBC的董事,光明會領導人就會失去這間電視台的權力。唯一阻止收購的方法是摧毀Bill Cosby。他們開始對他進行虛假的強姦指控。你知不知道道這件事,這是真的還是分散人們的注意力?

COBRA – Actually, Yes, there were allegations and it was not based on truth. There are certain things that have not yet been revealed about his situation that are based on reality. I would say that the reality was twisted but there is still some truth behind it. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 是的,有一些沒有基於事實的指控。有關於他的實際情況有一些還沒有披露。我會說事情被扭曲了,但仍然有一些真相在背後。

Aaron – Since Bitcoin is a digital currency then like anything digital, it can be hacked & tampered with. Is bitcoin as safe & fool proof as it is being advertised or is it just another Trojan horse attempt of the Dark Force to get rid of physical currencies so they have total and absolute control of our money?

Aaron – 因為比特幣是一種電子貨幣,它可以被人黑並且篡改。比特幣是不是一種像廣告所說的那樣安全的工具,或者只是黑暗勢力的另一個擺脫現實貨幣的企圖,以便他們能完全絕對地控制我們的財富?

COBRA – OK. Bitcoin will not become the globalist currency of the future. It is safe to a certain degree and if you want to play with it, it’s quite OK. I would not put most of your savings into Bitcoin. (thank you)

COBRA – 比特幣不會成為未來的全球主義貨幣。它一定程度是安全的,如果你想投資也可以。我不會(建議)把你大部分存款換成比特幣。

Lynn – Satoshi Nakamoto was the creator of Bitcoin. You have stated that Bitcoin is a step into the new system. Is Nakamoto working with the light forces?

Lynn – Satoshi Nakamoto是比特幣的創造者。你提到比特幣是邁向新系統的一步,Nakamoto是不是和光明勢力合作的?

COBRA – Not directly but indirectly, yes.

COBRA – 不是直接,而是間接地。

Lynn – Is the Bitcoin system from another planet?

Lynn – 比特幣系統是不是來自另一個行星?


COBRA – 不是。

Lynn – How can Bitcoin not be compromised simply by artificial intelligence (A.I.) or computer hacking?

Lynn – 比特幣如何受到AI或者電腦黑客的危害?

COBRA – A.I. is not as powerful as people are afraid of because human mind is always stronger because human mind coupled with connection with the source can out maneuver all actions of artificial intelligence (A.I.) (Ok, thank you)

COBRA – AI不像人們所害怕的那麼強大,因為人類心智總是更強的。人的心智和源頭連接能夠勝過AI的所有行動。

Aaron – Isn’t silver or gold a better and safer & more secure type of investment than Bitcoin?

.Aaron – 白銀和黃金是不是比比特幣更好和更安全的投資?

COBRA – Safer than what. (Bitcoin)

COBRA – Yes.

COBRA –是的。

Aaron – Who is behind Bitcoin? Jesuits with their cashless society or the positive Alliance?

Aaron – 誰在比特幣背後。耶穌會還是正面聯盟?

COBRA – The Positive alliance, indirectly. (thank you)

COBRA –正面聯盟,間接地。

Lynn – If the Cabal has underground highly technological advanced bases and their space ships have advanced technology such as replicators. What is stopping them from just pressing a button and just creating all the gold and precious metals they need to keep their current failing financial system going indefinitely?

Lynn – 如果陰謀集團有高科技的地下基地,有高科技太空船,有復制機。他們為什麼不按一下按鈕製造黃金和貴金屬,維持他們這個失敗的金融系統無限地運作下去?

COBRA – OK. The vast majority of the Cabal does not have access to those advanced technologies. There is a very small limited group that has access to this and they are not giving this to the rest of the Cabal. (that’s good)

COBRA – 陰謀集團絕大多數人接觸不到那些先進科技。只有一個有限的小團體能使用這些科技,他們不會給其餘的陰謀集團使用。

Aaron – Next question is: How near complete destruction is the Yaldabaoth?

Aaron – 下一個問題:離完全摧毀姚達伯斯還有多近?

COBRA – I would say much near there than any time in the past. I would say that the tentacles or the plasma filaments of that entity have been removed completely and the head is in the beginning stages of its dissolution.

COBRA – 我會說比過去任何時候都要更近。那個實體的觸手或者說等離子細絲已經完成清理,它的頭部正處於溶解的開始階段。

Aaron – Are there any bombs of any kind impeding our progress towards The Event currently?

Aaron – 目前有沒有任何炸彈妨礙”事件”的進程?

COBRA – Yes, of course there are still toplet bombs and they will be here until The Event. That is the main reason The Event does not happen. When the toplet bombs are gone The Event will be triggered.

COBRA – 當然,仍然有頂夸克炸彈,它們將會存在直到”事件”。這是”事件”不發生的主要原因。當這些炸彈清理完”事件”就會觸發。

Aaron – Can you comment on what if anything we expect in the way of obstacles yet to overcome?

Aaron – 路上是否還有一些我們還沒有克服的阻礙?

COBRA – As I have said, the plan is to remove the remaining plasma anomaly and toplet bombs that are associated with this and then trigger The Event. So this is basically the plan and it is being carried out. (ok, thank you)

COBRA – 正如我說過,計劃是清理餘下的等離子異常以及和它聯繫在一起的夸克炸彈,然後觸發”事件”。基本上就是這樣的計劃,並且正在實行。

Lynn – Now that Yaldabaoth and the toplet bombs are limited to the Earth’s surface since the successful Etheric Liberation Meditation, what is our best strategy for continuing to dissolve the head of Yaldabaoth?

Lynn – 因為乙太解放冥想的成功,姚達伯斯和頂夸克炸彈被限制在地表,我們繼續瓦解姚達伯斯頭部最好的策略是什麼。

COBRA – The best strategy is to put Cintamani stones in strategic positions. Not only on the land masses but also in the oceans far away from, far away from the coast.

COBRA – 最好是把如意寶珠放在戰略位置。不只是大陸,還有遠離岸邊的海洋。

Lynn – Does that have any effect on the radiation in the ocean?

Lynn – 這對海洋輻射有沒有效果?

COBRA – There is not as much radiation in the ocean as most people are informed . . . or
mis-informed. (ok)

COBRA – 海洋裡輻射沒有人們所了解或者被誤傳的那麼多。

Aaron – How can we create an Ascension Column to work with the Galactic Confederation around us to clear the primary anomaly and help with the dissolving of the head of Yaldabaoth?

Aaron – 我們如何建造一根揚升柱和銀河聯邦一起清理原生異常並且幫助瓦解姚達伯斯的頭?

COBRA – OK. I will also be speaking about this in detail in one of my future posts. I cannot answer this question in a minute because it is a little bit more complex. I need to explain this in detail in writing.

COBRA – 我會在未來其中一篇文章裡詳細解釋。我不能用一分鐘就回答這個問題,因為有點複雜,我需要用文字寫出來。

Lynn – In the Russian interview you recently answered that there are no longer any remaining Deep Underground Military Bases in Russia (DUMBS). Can that be said for the rest of the world and if not what countries still have bases yet to clear?

Lynn – 在俄羅斯團隊的訪談裡你說在俄羅斯沒有深層地下軍事基地。世界其他地方也是這樣嗎,如果不是,還有哪些國家仍然有這種基地沒有清理?

COBRA – OK, most bases that belong to the Cabal are in the countries that are associated with The Cabal traditionally, so that’s U.S. that’s Israel, that’s Saudi Arabia and to a certain degree United Kingdom, Turkey, Japan. But most other countries are quite free of this at this moment. (OK, thank you Cobra.)

COBRA – 大多數基地位於傳統上和陰謀集團有聯繫的國家,比如美國,以色列,沙特,某程度還有英國,土耳其,日本。而大多數其他國家現在沒有。

Aaron – In your recent Russian interview you said that the “Earth is a maximum security prison with Archons and Chimera as prison wardens and definitely not a school.” We have always been told that Earth is a school and that we can progress to a higher level of existence or go to heaven if we do what we need to do here. Can you comment on this and is there any truth to progressing to a higher level as in ascension?

Aaron – 你在訪問裡說”地球是執政官和奇美拉作為典獄長最安全的監獄而絕對不是學校”。我們一直被告知地球是一間學校讓我們發展到更高的存在水平,或者上天堂,如果我們在這裡做了需要做的事的話。你能不能評論一下這個說法,隨著揚升而發展到更高的水平這麼說對不對?

COBRA – It is true that you can progress to a higher level by working on your spiritual evolvement but it does not mean that earth is a school that teaches you how to evolve to a higher level. The purpose of Archons was not to assist us in spiritual evolution. They wanted to block us from spiritual evolution and when you progress you progress despite the programming that exists here. When you raise your perspective and consciousness beyond the scope and limitations of the quarantine then you are really progressing spiritually. (alright, thank you)

COBRA – 致力於靈性的發展確實讓你進步到一個更高的水平,但這不代表地球是一所教你如何進化到更高水平的學校。執政官的目的不是在靈性進化中幫助我們,他們想要阻擋我們。當你進化的時候,不管有沒有這裡的編程洗腦你都會進化。當你把眼界和意識提升到超過這個隔離的範圍和限制時,你才是真正地在靈性上進化。

Lynn – I have a question on Syria. Is there anything that you want to comment on that’s in addition to what you’ve already said about the post-liberation meditation that was successful?

Lynn – 我有一個關於敘利亞的問題。除了解放冥想文章所提到的,你有沒有更多補充?

COBRA – I can only say that operations are progressing and Syria vortex will be liberated in, I would say, relatively near future. (great)

COBRA – 我只能說行動正在進行,敘利亞漩渦將會在不久的將來解放。

Aaron – Several reports from reliable sources in both Japan and the West Coast of the U.S. claim that high rates of radiation from the still unchecked multiple Fukushima reactor meltdowns have been detected, with some readings exceeding levels considered lethal.
This information is in direct conflict with Cobra’s answer to someone who raised concerns about this reactor radiation in the last PFC question session. In essence, Cobra’s answers indicated that Fukushima’s radiation is not a significant problem. This individual is asking Cobra if he has any additional information or comments that would help alleviate his concern about these high levels of radiation being detected? Keep in mind that there are limits to technology. Do exotic, quantum-based technologies exist which can neutralize serious radiation problems?

Aaron – 有來自日本和美國西岸可靠來源的報告說檢測到多個福島崩塌的反應堆的大量輻射,超過了致死水平。這個信息直接和上次PFC有關反應堆輻射的回答有矛盾。Cobra的回答表明福島的輻射不是一個大問題。這個人問Cobra是否有更多的信息或者評論能緩和他對這些高輻射的擔心?有沒有外星量子科技能中和這些嚴重的輻射?

COBRA – As I’ve said many times, there is no excessive radiation coming from Fukushima that goes beyond a very limited area beyond the reactor itself. So I would say if you are living more than 10 or 20 miles away from the reactor you are safe and everything else is just dis-information. I have contact with people who are making exact measurements with Geiger counters and they were not detecting excessive radiation quite close to Fukushima.

COBRA – 我說過很多次,沒有過多的輻射超出一個非常有限的區域以及反應堆本身。所以如果住在離反應堆10或者20英里的地方你是安全的,其他的只是虛假信息。我與一些用蓋革計數器做過精密測量的人聯繫,他們在很接近福島的地方沒有檢測到過量輻射。

Aaron – Do the Galactics have anything to do with lessening the radiation?

Aaron –銀河聯邦有沒有做過一些減少輻射的工作?

COBRA – They are doing that in many cases, not just in Fukushima case. There were many more serious nuclear disasters in the past and they were localized because the Galactic forces have prevented radiation from spilling too far. (thank you Cobra)

COBRA – 他們在許多情況下都這麼做,不只在福島。過去有很多更嚴重的核災難都限制在局部地區,因為銀河勢力阻止輻射滲漏到很遠的地方。

Lynn – In your blogpost from November 28th, 2013 you mentioned the following:

“Currently the Jesuits are the main operational task force for the Archons to maintain the quarantine status for planet Earth. Their previous superior general Hans Peter Kolvenbach is instrumental in keeping the fear vibration among humanity on the surface of the planet.”
It has been reported in the news that Kolvenbach died on November 26th, 2016 in Beirut. According to your sources is he actually dead? If he is dead, what does that mean for disclosures and justice in regards to 9/11 and 3/11 attacks?

Lynn – 你在2013年11月28日的文章提到:”目前耶穌會幫執政官維持地球隔離的主要力量。他們前任的修道會總長Hans Peter Kolvenbach維持著地表人類的恐懼振動。”新聞報導說Kolvenbach 2016年11月26日死於貝魯特。根據你的信息來源他是不是真死?如果是,對於911和311事件的揭露和正義意味著什麼?

COBRA – It means that one of the major perpetrators of this have died or shall I say have been removed from the planet but he was not the only one and he is not the only one who was preventing the truth about this to come out. There was actually a whole group and this group has not been removed yet. But each of them that has been removed does make the situation easier and this is one of the reasons why we have so many releases about various topics that were not happening before. (great, thank you Cobra)

COBRA – 這意味著其中一個主要罪犯已經死了,或者我應該說從這個行星上移除。但他不是唯一一個,也不是防止事情真相揭露的唯一一個人。實際上有一整個團體,這個團體還沒有移除。但他們每一個人的清除都讓情況變得更容易,這是現在各個主題得到很多揭露的原因,這些之前從沒發生過。

Aaron – Cobra what are your thoughts on NESARA? Can you give us an update about NESARA?

Aaron – 你對NESARA有什麼看法。關於NESARA有什麼最新消息?

COBRA – There is no update. It is simply related to global financial re-set and this will happen at the time of The Event.

COBRA – 沒有最新的消息。它只是和全球金融重置有關的,將會在”事件”的時候發生。

Aaron – Is there a connection between ENKI and St. Germain?

Aaron – 恩基和聖哲曼有沒有關係?

COBRA – No. (thank you)

COBRA – 沒有。

Lynn – Obama recently departed for Tahiti without Michelle and his daughters. What is he doing there?

Lynn – 奧巴馬最近去了塔希提島,沒有帶上米歇爾和他的女兒們。他去做什麼?

COBRA – He is having his personal time there, so nothing of a planetary importance I would say. (Ok, thank you)

COBRA – 他去那裡度過私人時間,沒有什麼特別重要的。

Aaron –  Are you aware of people who are involved in the pedophile network being arrested around the world?

Aaron – 你知不知道那些涉及戀童者網絡的人在全世界被逮捕?

COBRA – Yes, I would say that many of those people are being arrested but not the top people yet. I would say the mid-level management of that network is being arrested in many countries right now and is being exposed through alternative media and also to a certain extent through the main-stream mass media.

COBRA – 是的。很多這些人正在被逮捕,但還不是最上層的人物。我會說是那個網絡的中層管理人在很多國家被捕並且另類媒體在曝光他們,也在一定程度上通過主流媒體報導。

Aaron – Do you anticipate the child trafficking and pedophilia will emerge soon into the public consciousness?

Aaron – 你是否期望販賣兒童和戀童者很快出現在公眾的關注裡?

COBRA – Yes it’s part of the disclosure process and this is already emerging in certain locations around the world and it will continue to emerge until it becomes undeniable, so people will not be able to deny this any longer, very soon. I will say quite soon. (ok, thank you)

COBRA – 是的,這是揭露過程的一部分,已經出現世界一些地方,並且會繼續浮現直到無可否認。人們很快就無法再否定這件事,我會說非常快。

Lynn – David Wilcock and Corey Goode have recently revealed information about the discoveries in the Antarctic of people they are calling “Pre-Adamites.”   These are people, originally from Mars, who came here over 50,000 years ago.  They are saying there are still some Pre-Adamites living in the Vatican, who hide their elongated skulls under the tall Vatican hats.  Corey and David Wilcock have been revealing astounding information about what is in Antarctica, including three very large crashed ancient space ships, a community of people living in one of them, very tall humans who have been “in stasis” for thousands of years who may wake up soon.  Can you confirm if all of this is true?

Lynn – David Wilcock和Corey Goode最近揭露了南極人的發現,他們稱為”前亞當的後裔”。這些人原本來自火星,5萬年前來到這裡。他們說仍然有一些前亞當後裔住在梵蒂岡,他們用梵蒂岡高帽子掩蓋自己的瘦長頭骨。他們揭露了關於南極的驚人信息,包括三艘墜毀的古代太空船,有一群人住在其中一艘船裡,非常高大的人類,沉眠了幾前年,很快將會醒來。你能否證實所有這些都是真的?

COBRA – Parts of this are true especially the part about the Vatican, but I would say for other claims there needs to be more evidence, not just stories. I would expect to have more solid evidence about the deeper aspect of this Antarctic story. It is true that ruins have been found there but there are details I was not able to confirm from my sources that the rest of the story they are talking about is true.

COBRA – 部分是對的,尤其是梵蒂岡那部分。但對於其他部分需要更多證據,而不只是故事。我期望這個南極故事更深入方面的確鑿證據。確實有一些遺跡在那裡被發現,但那些細節,他們說的這個故事的其餘部分我無法從我的來源那裡確認。

Lynn – Does that include the giants in stasis?

Lynn – 包括那些沉眠的巨人?

COBRA – It is true that there are giants in stasis in many locations around the world, so I can confirm that. (OK, thank you).

COBRA – 在世界很多地方真的有巨人沉睡,所以我能確認這一點。

Aaron – It appears that the recent Dutch election, where Geert Willers lost, perhaps was manipulated. Can you tell us if he actually won the popular vote? What is the significance of the loss of Geert Willers?

Aaron – 最近荷蘭大選Geert Willers輸了,結果可能被人操縱。他是否真的贏了投票?Geert Willers的失敗有什麼意義?

COBRA – Not much because as I have said many times before, the political structure before The Event will not be able to trigger drastic changes because no matter who gets elected the network behind is still pulling the strings.

COBRA – 沒有太大意義,我已經說過很多次,”事件”之前的政治架構不會觸發重大轉變,因為不管誰選上去,在幕後仍然是受操縱的。

Aaron – And do you know if he won by popular vote?

Aaron – 他是否真的贏得投票?

COBRA – I do not have that information. (ok, thank you Cobra)

COBRA – 我沒有這個信息。

Lynn – In reference to Benjamin Fulford’s recent weekly message on Monday, March 20th, we have a few Questions as follows: Actually they are statements and then there are questions.

    The United States Corporation of 1861 has been replaced by the Republic of the United States of America founded in 1776.
    The Government did not shut down on March 15th, when US $20 trillion debt limit was reached, because the debt belongs to the corporation, not the republic.
    The corporation has been declared bankrupt, and the debt is null and void.

Cobra, is this true, and do you see anything happening in the near future financially for the United States Republic and the Presidency?

Lynn – 關於本傑明最近的3月20日的信息,我們有一些問題,實際上它們是更多是一些陳述。



COBRA – OK. I cannot confirm that the Republic has been re-instated. When the Republic will be reinstated there will be drastic and immediate changes visible to everybody living in the U.S. It will not be just a theoretical concept. It will be a practical, very solid and very drastic announcement that will go through the mass media, not just through some obscure alternative web-sites. So I would say that this part is not true. With regards to the National debt there is always some manipulations behind the scene that always miraculously solve the situation until the next crisis comes simply because the Cabal is still controlling the financial system and they can do whatever they want with those numbers. (very true)

COBRA – 我無法確認共和國已經恢復。當共和國恢復時將會有巨大和即時的轉變,美國每個人都能看到,而不會只是一個理論概念。這將會是實際的,非常確定並且強烈的宣布,通過主流媒體而不只是流於一些迷糊的另類媒體網站。所以我會說這部分不是真的。關於國家債務,在幕後總是有一些操縱,問題總是莫名其妙地得到解決,直到下一個危機出現。因為陰謀集體仍然控制著金融系統,他們對那些數字可以為所欲為。

Aaron – Was it a coincidence that the announcement of the death of David Rockefeller happened during this time?

Aaron – 這個時候宣布大衛.洛克菲勒的死訊是不是巧合?

COBRA – It is definitely and absolutely not a coincidence and I will be speaking more about this in my next blog post.

COBRA – 這絕對不是一個巧合,我會在下一次博客更新里談更多。

Lynn – Ben goes on to say that Trump also refused to take a bribe offered by German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week, not to go after Rothschild flunkies like John McCain and Hillary Clinton. His sources say; that’s what was behind Trump’s public refusal to shake Merkel’s hand. Based on this, is Merkel just following orders from her Rothschild Cabal handlers?

Lynn – 本傑明繼續說上週特朗普拒絕收下德國總理默克爾的賄賂,不會像約翰.麥凱恩和希拉里.克林頓那樣做羅斯柴爾德的走狗。他的信息人士說,這就是特朗普拒絕公開和默克爾握手的理由。根據這個說法,默克爾是不是聽命於羅斯柴爾德?

COBRA – Yes.

COBRA – 是的。

Aaron – Also, South American drug barons have been using their dollars to buy Iraqi Dinars as a way to launder their money. However, since the Clinton/Bush faction lost the US election, these Dinar will never likely become a usable currency?

Aaron – 還有,作為一個洗錢的方式,南美的毒梟把他們的美元換成伊拉克第納爾。然而自從克林頓/布什派系輸了美國大選,這些第納爾不像是一種可用貨幣。你是否預見第納爾會成為一種可用貨幣?

Aaron – Cobra, do you for-see the Dinar as ever being a usable currency?

Aaron – Cobra,你是否預見第納爾會成為一種可用貨幣?

COBRA – OK, it is not as drastic as Ben has said but I would not speculate in a drastic increase in value of that currency so I would stay away from any transactions, including the Iraqi Dinar.

COBRA – 不像本傑明所說的那樣,我不會推測那種貨幣的價值會急劇上升,所以我會遠離這些交易,包括伊拉克第納爾。

Aaron – And how about the African Zim?

Aaron – 非洲津巴布韋幣如何?

COBRA – The same. (OK, great, thank you)

COBRA – 一樣。

Aaron – Next question. And Finally, Asian Secret Society and WDS sources agree though that since years of “the drug war” failed to do anything to eradicate the 2-3 trillion-dollar illegal drug business, the long term solution is still going to be to legalize and regulate narcotic substances so as to minimize the damage they cause and keep the money out of the hands of crime gangs. Cobra, based on the above statement, do you for see the legalization of drugs in the near or distant future?

Aaron – 下一個問題。終於,亞洲秘密社團和白龍會的信息來源同意多年來的”毒品戰爭”失敗,無法根除2-3萬億美元的非法毒品生意,長期的解決方案是合法化和規管麻醉物,使它們所帶來的傷害最小化,讓資金遠離犯罪集團的操縱。根據這個說法,你是否預見很近或者很遠的未來毒品合法化?

COBRA – It is already happening with marijuana in certain states and in certain countries around the world so it is the beginning of that trend. And as the Cabal is losing power they will not be able to stop this. War against drugs was just a ruse that the Cabal used to actually fuel more money and channel more money through the drug business. (alright, thank you)

COBRA – 在世界一些國家這已經發生在大麻上,所以這是那個趨勢的開始。隨著陰謀集團失去權力,他們無法阻止這個過程。對毒品的戰爭只是陰謀集團一個詭計,實際上花費更多的金錢,通過毒品生意輸送更多的資金。

Lynn – We’re going to start this section with some spiritually related questions. When moving from 3D to 5D, is it similar in concept to how we change the stations of our radio’s from AM to FM or changing the channels of the television. Can you clarify, is it significantly different?

Lynn – 這部分開始我們提一些靈性有關的問題。從3D到5D,是否僅僅就像我們把收音機從AM調到FM,或者轉換電視頻道?有什麼顯著的分別?

COBRA – That’s a good analogy that you can use to understand the shifting of vibrational frequency. (Ok, thank you)

COBRA – 這是一個好的類比,你可以這麼來理解振動頻率的轉換。

Aaron – Asked another way, is it true that angelic humans were created in the angelic realms and then descended into lower realms such as 3rd dimensional earth. While true earth Humans began their soul evolution in the densest vibration of the earth and are in the process of ascending upwards?

Aaron – 用另一個方式問,天使人類從天使領域誕生,然後下降到低層的領域比如3D地球;真正的地球人類從最稠密的地球振動開始他們的靈魂演化,在一個向上升的過程中?

COBRA – It is very true, yes. (ok, thank you)

COBRA – 很準確,是的。

Aaron – Can twin flames incarnate into the same sex?

Aaron – 雙生靈魂是否會轉世為相同的性別?

COBRA – It is possible. (OK)

COBRA – 這是有可能的。

Lynn – In a recent transcribed interview you mentioned a meditation that you do during which you connect with your core star higher self and use it to rejuvenate and regenerate your body. Is there any more you can share with us about this meditation?

Lynn – 在一次最近訪問裡你提到你做的一個冥想,在冥想中你連接你的核心星際高我,以此恢復更新你的身體。關於這個冥想你有沒有更多能分享的?

COBRA – Not at this point. (ok, thank you)

COBRA – 現在不是時候。

Aaron – Can you talk about the big bang and how the universe was created. Was the initial God source/Prime source a perfect being of light that manifested the expansion of the thought “what if I expand myself” and can you correct any of the misunderstandings of this idea?

Aaron – 談談大爆炸和宇宙的創造。一開始的上帝源頭是不是完美的光之存有,以”如果我擴張自己會發生什麼”的想法顯化膨脹?能否更正一下這種觀點的誤區?

COBRA – Basically what happened was the universe was created as a result of interaction of the source to the primary anomaly so both, both aspects were involved, were involved in the creation of the universe in the big bang. (OK)

COBRA – 宇宙是源頭和原生異常互動的一個結果,所以兩方面都有參與,在大爆炸中參與到宇宙的創造。

Aaron – What is the difference between Ascension and enlightenment. Can enlightenment be also called self-realization?

Aaron – 揚升和開悟有什麼不同?開悟能否稱為自我實現?

COBRA – Enlightenment is just a moment when your personality gets into contact with the truth. While Ascension is the completion of the complete transformation of your personality into that truth. (alright, thank you)

COBRA – 開悟是你的人格接觸到真理的一個瞬間。揚升是完全地把你的人格轉換到真理之中。

Lynn – I have a question about meditation. When I randomly choose to meditate I can reach a very still point with no thoughts or very few thoughts in a 2 to 3-hour period. When I try to meditate regularly I cannot reach any point of stillness in my mind. In other words, I try to be regular about it but I feel perhaps I am being sabotaged. In regular practice, is regular practice harder to do than random occasional practice?

Lynn – 我有一個冥想問題。當我隨意地冥想,我能達到一個靜止狀態,2-3小時裡沒有想法或者非常少的想法。當我定期冥想時我無法在腦海中達到這種靜止狀態。換句話說,我嘗試有規律地這麼做,但感到被干擾。定期的練習是否比隨意偶然的冥想練習更難?

COBRA – OK, if you are doing things regular you cannot expect the same results all the time. If you do it just when you’re inspired you can get more results in the short term but less results in the long term, so it’s up to you.

COBRA – 如果你有規律地做,你不能期待總是有相同的結果。如果你只是在受到啟發時這麼做,你會在短期獲得更多成功但長期來說成果更少,這取決於你。

Lynn – Can you recommend anything to make this process easier?

Lynn – 你建議怎樣使這個過程更容易?

COBRA – Basically your focus needs to be in connecting your higher self and then it will be easier for you to go through the whole process. (ok, thank you)

COBRA – 你的集中力需要一直連接你的高我,然後整個過程將會更加容易。

Aaron – Are you aware the Russian geologist who is in the Krasnoyarsk region near Samara, where after a 5-hour meditation he contacted 3 civilizations. One was the Vish-nu civilization. There he saw Shiva who told him secret information regarding the history of the planet. Do you know anything about this Russian Geologist or this Krasnoyarsk region and what information might have been given to this scientist?

Aaron – 你知不知道那個俄羅斯地質學家,他在薩馬拉附近的克拉斯諾雅茨克進行一個5小時的冥想,他接觸到3個文明。一個叫毘濕奴文明。他看到濕婆神告訴他有關行星曆史的秘密信息。你知不知道這個俄羅斯地質學家或者這個克拉斯諾雅茨克地區?這個科學家可能接收到什麼信息?

COBRA – Krasnoyarsk area is a very powerful vortex where a lot of contact has happened in the past to many people not just to that particular individual, so this is just one of the contactees that had experiences in that area.

COBRA – 克拉斯諾雅茨克地區是一個強大的漩渦,在過去有很多接觸發生在很多人身上,不只是這個人。所以他是那個地方的其中一個接觸者。

Aaron – Is it anywhere near Shambhala?

Aaron – 它是不是在香巴拉附近?

COBRA – It is not near the main entrances to that particular location.

COBRA – 那裡不是那個地方的主要入口。

Lynn – Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world”. So if I focus on my inner journey and do my best to evolve in love, peace and harmony, do I need to stay aware of the dark sides, such as the Chimera group and the Draco’s. To what extent does it help us to focus on what we can, on what we want to create in our lives for the planet?

Lynn – 甘地說:要改變世界先改變自己。如果我專注於自己內在的行程,盡力地發展愛,平靜與和諧,我是否需要意識到黑暗一面,比如奇美拉和天龍星人。要把我能做什麼,我想要什麼的想法專注到什麼程度才能幫我們創造生活?

COBRA – OK, basically the best thing to do is to have your vision, to hold that vision, to be aware of what’s going on but not to be overly obsessed about it. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 最好的方式是有自己的願景,保持那個願景,意識到發生什麼事但不要對此過於著迷。

Aaron – Do you have any specific meditation techniques that may help us create the financial abundance, prosperity and well-being we need while dealing with our daily challenges?

Aaron – 你有沒特別的冥想技巧能幫我們創造金融豐盛和健康以應付日常的挑戰?

COBRA – Yes, there are many techniques but they are not . . .it is not possible to explain in a few minutes or an interview. You have to come to a conference where those things are explained in details over the course of a day. (OK)

COBRA – 有很多技術但不可能用幾分鐘或者一個訪問來說明。你需要來到(揚升)會議上,這些會用一天的時間來詳細解釋。

Aaron – And he would like to know if you have any specific meditations techniques that may help us defend ourselves from current attacks on light workers?

Aaron – 這個人也想知道有沒有特別的冥想方法幫保護我們免受當前對光之工作者的攻擊?

COBRA – I have released some of those techniques already in my blog. (OK, that you)

COBRA – 我已經在博客上公佈過一些技巧。

Lynn – What is the silver cord and is it anchored within the pineal gland?

Lynn – 什麼是銀繩,它是不是固定在松果體裡?

COBRA – It is simply a connection between the physical body and higher dimensional bodies and it is anchored in the electromagnetic field between the pineal and pituitary gland. (thank you)

COBRA – 它是物理身體和高維身體的一條連接,它錨定在松果體和腦下垂體的電磁場裡。

Aaron – This is probably a repetition here. Why is it important to activate the pineal gland and how can we activate our pineal gland?

Aaron – 這個問題可能問過。為什麼激活松果體那麼重要,如何激活?

COBRA – It is important to activate it because it is our multidimensional bridge to the higher dimensions and there are techniques to activate it but again it is not within the scope of a short interview to explain them. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 因為它是我們連接更高維度的多維橋樑,有一些激活松果體的技術,但這也不是用一個簡短訪問就能解釋清楚。

Lynn – What are the steps of the manifestation process for light workers?

Lynn – 對光之工作者來說顯化過程需要哪些步驟?

COBRA – The steps for manifestation process are the same for everybody. There are 3 steps. Step number one is decision. Step number two is invocation and step number three is action. Of course I cannot explain this in detail in a few short minutes. It is a scope of this is too huge it would take a few hours to explain that in details. (thank you Cobra)

COBRA – 顯化過程的步驟對每個人都一樣。有三個步驟。第一是決定。第二是祈求。第三是行動。當然我無法用幾分鐘就解釋完。它的內容太多需要幾個小時才能詳細說明。

Aaron – What is the reason some of the things we try to manifest don’t actually happen?

Aaron – 為什麼我們想顯化的事情沒有發生?

COBRA – It is because we are not insisting long enough for them to happen. In current reality it takes a certain amount of time to manifest anything and for certain things it can take quite much of the time because we are working against the current. (OK)

COBRA – 因為我們沒有堅持足夠長的時間讓它發生。在目前的現實中需要花一定的時間顯化任何事物,對於某些事情會用非常多的時間顯化,因為我們不同流俗。

Lynn – How can we call upon our “I AM presence” to strengthen our manifestations?

Lynn – 如何呼喚”我是”臨在加強我們的顯化?

COBRA – Just invoke your “I AM Presence” and connect with it in any way that works for you.

COBRA – 祈求你的”我是”臨在,以任何對你有效的方式與它連接。

Aaron – Why are so many light workers getting attacked lately and what can we do about this?

Aaron – 為什麼有很多光之工作者最近受到攻擊,我們能做些什麼?

COBRA – There was a huge wave of attacks in the last month because the dark forces are beginning to lose the control on the plasma plane around the surface of this planet and they are simply freaking out completely as a result of this. This situation is now slowly; I would say very slowly being resolved. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 上個月有一大波攻擊,因為黑暗勢力開始喪失行星等離子層的控制,他們因此徹底崩潰。我會說這個情況正在緩慢得到解決。

Lynn – How do imprints in the plasma body form our thoughts and emotions manifest into our physical situation?

Lynn – 等離子體的印記如何形成我們的想法和情緒並顯化到我們的物理現實中?

COBRA – Those imprints do not form our thoughts and emotions but our emotions and thoughts generate certain response within the plasma plane and then the scalar technology of the Chimera group manipulates that and then all of this gets manifested. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 那些印記沒有形成我們的想法和情緒,但我們的情緒和想法在等離子層產生一些反應,然後奇美拉的標量技術操縱這些反應並顯化出來。

Lynn – Our next questions involve consciousness.

Lynn – 我們接下來的問題關於意識。

Aaron – Cobra previously mentioned the Cabal cannot read high frequency thoughts. Cobra could you define high frequency thoughts and provide an example of one?

Aaron – 你上次提到陰謀集團無法讀取高頻率的思想。能否定義什麼是高頻思想,舉一個例子?

COBRA – It is simply thoughts that are not based on 3rd dimension reality but are illuminated with the mind with the light of the higher dimensions. Any kind of thought that inspires you is an example of this. (OK)

COBRA – 簡單地說就是不以3維現實為基礎的,並且被更高維度的光照亮的想法。任何能賦予你靈感的想法都是例子。

Lynn – Cobra, are you familiar with Feng Shui? (Yes) Can you elaborate on how Feng Shui effects our lives and if there are specific arrangements with objects that can be established, relative to the stars, that will have a positive effect?

Lynn – 你了不了解風水?能否解釋一下風水如何影響到我們的生活,是否有一些特殊物品佈置,和星相聯繫起來產生正面的效果?

COBRA – Basically this relates to sacred geometry and connection with various star systems and there’s a whole science to this, part of which has been released and revealed through traditional Chinese sources but there is a much deeper science behind this that is much older and it’s part of the galactic science of sacred geometry. (thank you)

COBRA – 這涉及到神聖幾何,並且與各個星係有關,有一套完整的科學。部分的內容已經通過傳統中國文化來源公開,但背後有更深入的科學,那是更為古老的,是神聖幾何銀河科學的一部分。

Lynn – Can you also clarify the importance of the various rooms in the house in Feng Shui?

Lynn – 在風水學中一間屋子的各個房間有哪些重要性?

COBRA – Again this is also related to a very ancient science which was brought to earth in times of Atlantis and it’s distantly related to astrology and astrological houses. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 這也涉及到非常古老的科學,這個科學在亞特蘭蒂斯時代被帶到地球,它又與占星學和占星屋有多多少少的關係。

Aaron – Can you talk a little bit about star seeds especially about the rare and new star seeds here on earth who have been recycling on earth in and out for 25,000 years. Which planets are they from. Do they have special abilities, that is how is the new star seed identified, which planets are they from?

Aaron – 談一下星際種子,尤其是過去25000年來在地球來來去去的罕見和新來的星際種子。他們來自哪個行星,有沒有特殊的能力,如何辨別這些新的星際種子?

COBRA – From many star systems the vast majority from Pleiadian, Sirius, certain star systems from the Andromeda galaxy, some of them are Arcturians and many other star systems as well.

COBRA – 絕大部分來自昴宿星,天狼星,也來自仙女座銀河系的一些星系,一些是大角星人,也有其他很多星系。

Aaron – Does one location on the earth have more of them than other locations?

Aaron – 地球上是否有一個地方比其他地方有更多的星際種子?

COBRA – Yes, some locations have a higher concentration because they tend to incarnate in soul groups.

COBRA – 是的,一些地方有更為集中,因為他們傾向以靈魂團體來轉世。

Aaron – Are more incarnating now in 2017 with our recent progress in clearing the Yaldabaoth entity and cleaning up the plasma plane?

Aaron – 隨著我們清理姚達伯斯實體和等離子層的進展,是不是有更多人的轉世?

COBRA – I would say a little bit more, but not significantly more. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 我會說多了一點,但沒有明顯地多。

Lynn – Cobra, do any of these star seeds incarnate into bodies like as a walk-in?

Lynn – 有沒有星際種子通過靈魂替換的方式轉世?

COBRA – Very rarely. (OK)

COBRA – 非常罕有。

Lynn – The next question is: What is the choice you made Cobra, that enabled you to maintain your memory of past lives?

Lynn – 下一個問題是:你作出過什麼選擇使你能保持過往的人生記憶?

COBRA – I simply made a choice not to forget no matter what.

COBRA – 我只是作出一個無論發生什麼都不會忘記的選擇。

Lynn – This person goes on to say: You have said that in the past you were given choices to make, was there any particular choices or this just was the choice?

Lynn – 這個人又問:你提到在過去你被給予一些選擇,是否有特別的選擇或者只是(普通的)選擇?

COBRA – There were many choices involved and I cannot speak about many of them. (OK)

COBRA – 涉及了很多的選擇,我無法談到太多。

Lynn – Is it possible for us to make choices now in our lives that would enable us to remember our past lives?

Lynn – 我們這一世有沒有可能作出選擇讓我們記得自己的前世?

COBRA – Yes, of course.

COBRA – 是的,當然。

Lynn – So we can just ask and the appropriate information will be given to us?

Lynn – 所以我們只要發出要求,就會得到恰當的信息?

COBRA – If you search long enough you will find it. (OK)

COBRA – 如果你尋求得足夠深,你會找得到。

Lynn – How many others on the planet are remembering their past lives. Do you have any idea?

Lynn – 這個行星上有多少人記得他們的前世?

COBRA – There are many people who are remembering fragments but very few people that are remembering their whole story, I would say. (thank you)

COBRA – 我會說有很多人記得一些片段,但極少有人記得他們全部的記憶。

Aaron – Cobra, are you aware of planning your current incarnation. Can you talk about this?

Aaron – 你是否意識到你規劃了你現在的人生?

COBRA – Yes, I remember that. Actually I was planning my current incarnation with my soul group but things did not work out as they had been planned because simply most people from that soul group did not honor their agreements and the plans were not carried out. (OK)

COBRA – 是的,我記得。實際上我與我的靈魂團體規劃了當前的轉世,但事情沒有像他們計劃的那樣展開,因為那個團體大多數人沒有遵守到他們的約定,所以計劃沒有得到實現。

Aaron – If you planned your current incarnation were you able to remember your past lives after the 1996 Archon invasion?

Aaron – 如果你規劃了你的人生,那麼96年執政官入侵後你能否還記得你的前世?

COBRA – Yes, of course. Yes, of course

COBRA – 是的,當然。

Aaron – And did that Archon invasion make things more difficult for you to remember?

Aaron – 執政官的入侵有沒有讓你的回憶更加困難?

COBRA – Not more difficult to remember but more difficult to maintain a certain level of vibrational frequency. (I see, thank you)

COBRA – 沒有,但對維持一定水平的振動頻率更為困難。

Lynn – Where are souls now going after death who have completed their incarnations and all their lifetimes on earth?

Lynn – 那些完成地球上所有人生的靈魂,他們現在死後會去哪裡?

COBRA – Those souls who are really having extremely higher vibrational frequency can exit now the quarantine and go through their Ascension process in some other locations.

COBRA – 那些有極高振動頻率的靈魂現在能夠逃出隔離,在其他的地方通過他們的揚升之旅。

Lynn – And this person goes on to ask: How many lifetimes are people having in general?

Lynn – 這個人繼續問:一般來說人們有多少世?

COBRA – Most people have hundreds upon hundreds of lifetimes. (OK, thank you)

COBRA – 大多數人有成百上千世。

Aaron – What does a soul look like and can we see it in our mind’s eye or is there a way of looking at it?

Aaron – 一個靈魂看起來是怎樣的,我們能否用心智之眼看見它,有沒有方法能看到?

COBRA – I would describe the soul as a point of light, as a being of light.

COBRA – 我會形容靈魂是一個光點,一個光的存在。

Aaron – And is it visible?

Aaron – 它可以被看見嗎?

COBRA – It is visible with your inner eye with your higher dimensional organ of perception. (OK and thank you)

COBRA – 用你內在的眼睛,高維的感知器官來看。

Lynn – OK, we have a few questions on technology. Cobra, would you recommend placing a Cintamani stone inside of orgonite?

Lynn – 我們有一些關於科技的問題。你是否推薦把一塊如意寶珠放在奧剛石(注:基於一套假想的生命能量理論而做成的一種人造工藝品)裡面?


COBRA – 不。

Lynn – OK. He goes on to ask would this increase or decrease its effectiveness?

Lynn – 他繼續問:這會提升或者減少它的功效?

COBRA – It would decrease it. (OK)

COBRA – 會減少。

Aaron – You mentioned the Chimera secret use of Infra and Ultra sound technologies to control humanity. Is there any effort underway to defeat this?

Aaron – 你提到奇美拉秘密使用次聲和超聲技術控制人類。現在有沒有做什麼來挫敗這件事?

COBRA – Yes, the number one is to spread awareness of this because if enough people are aware of this they will not be able to do this any longer. (OK)

COBRA – 是的,第一是要傳播對這件事的認識,如果足夠多人了解到,他們就不能繼續這麼做。

Lynn – Is gravity derived from the mass of an object or does it come from the magnetic property of the sun?

Lynn – 重力來源於一個物體的質量還是來源於太陽的磁性?

COBRA – I would say indirectly it arrives from the mass of the object but more precisely it is the intensity of the etheric flow which creates physical atoms that then cause the mass of the object.

COBRA – 我會說間接地來自物體的質量,更準確地,是創造物質原子然後成為物體質量的乙太流的強度。

Lynn – How does SSP (Secret Space Program) and Extra Terrestrials create Artificial Gravity in their ships?

Lynn – 秘密太空計劃和外星人如何在他們的飛船了創造人造重力?

COBRA – Simply by disengaging the atoms from the physical plane and keeping them in the, I would say, suspension in a certain way that allows them to be disengaged from the gravitational force.

COBRA – 通過把原子從物質層面分離,使它們以某個方式保持懸浮,允許它們從萬有引力中釋放出來。

Aaron – Cobra, you told Patrick from PFC Taiwan that there were submerged underwater bridge between India and Sri Lanka. Can you tell us who built the bridge and why was the bridge built?

Aaron – 你告訴PFC台灣團隊的Patrick在印度和斯里蘭卡之間有水下橋。能否告訴我們誰建造這條橋,原因是什麼?

COBRA – It was part of the land mass before it was submerged. It was submerged at the end of the ice age but before it was just a natural land bridge which was part of the civilization that was existing there at that time.

COBRA – 在沉入水下之前它是大陸的一部分。在冰河時代末期它被水淹沒,但之前它是天然的大陸橋,屬於一個在當時存在於那裡的文明。

Lynn – Cobra, can I trust Apple more than Google, or are all big tech companies compromised to the same degree?

Lynn – 我能不能相信蘋果多於相信谷歌,或者所有的大科技公司都同樣地(向陰謀集團)妥協?

COBRA – They are both quite much compromised so I would not trust Apple or Google. (OK)

COBRA – 這兩間公司都作出相當大的妥協,所以我不會相信蘋果或者谷歌。

Lynn – Are there any tech companies that are better than others as far as privacy?

Lynn – 就(保護)私隱來說是否有其他科技公司比其他的更好?

COBRA – Yes, there are.

COBRA – 是的。

Lynn – Any you can name?

Lynn – 你能否說出它們的名字?

COBRA – Not at this point. (OK)

COBRA – 現在不是時候。

Aaron – Cobra you have spoken about the introduction of the technology called replicators, which can be programmed to materialize many different things, including food. What does the Resistance see as responsible use of this technology?

Aaron – 你提到復制機這種科技的引入,它能物質化很多不同的東西,包括食物。抵抗運動對於負責任地使用這項技術如何看待?

COBRA – The irresponsible use of that technology is not possible because all the replicators have a safety mechanism which prevents irresponsible use.

COBRA – 不負責任的使用是不可能的,因為所有復制機都有一個保險機制防止不負責任的使用。

Aaron – So, if someone is hungry they can manifest food and no problem?

Aaron – 所以如果有人餓了,他們可以製造食物而沒有問題?

COBRA – Exactly.

COBRA – 是的。

Lynn – Some sources say that by the end of September, Poland will have free energy and anti-gravitation for masses. Also full independence from matrix owners and this is the decision of higher beings. Can you tell us more about this Cobra?

Lynn – 一些消息說到九月結束的時候,波蘭將會有自由能源和反重力技術,也會從矩陣所有者中獨立出來,這是高維存有的決定。關於這件事有沒有更多可以告訴我們的?

COBRA – This is just a speculation of just a certain group and I was not able to confirm this. (OK)

COBRA – 這只是某個團體的一個推測,我無法確定。

Aaron – Ok, this about The Event. Is the Schumann resonance a useful indicator of our progress and readiness for The Event?

Aaron – 這個問題關於”事件”。舒曼共振是不是關於我們的進展以及對”事件”迅速準備的一個有用指示器?

COBRA – No. (OK)

COBRA – 不是。

Lynn – Is there an increase or decrease in the Schumann resonance within the last 100 years?

Lynn – 過去100年裡舒曼頻率是上升還是下降了?

COBRA – The basic Schumann resonance stays the same but there, I would say quite drastic oscillations happening lately.

COBRA – 基本的舒曼共振仍然沒有變化,但最近正發生一些劇烈的振盪。

Lynn – Is the fluctuation a positive thing or a negative thing?

Lynn – 這個頻率的起伏是好事還是壞事?

COBRA – It is simply an indication that something quite intense is happening in the plasma and it can be both. What is happening very lately is a positive thing because the light forces are clearing the negative plasma. (OK)

COBRA – 這只是表明一些非常強烈的事情發生在等離子層,可以是好事和壞事。最近所發生的是好事,因為光明勢力正在清理負面等離子。

Lynn – Cobra can you tell us if your post from Jan 31, 2014 Eostres gift is referencing the wave of energy we are currently getting?

Lynn – 你在2014年1月31日的Eostre’s gift一文提到能量潮是不是我們現在所感受到的能量?

COBRA – Not to the energy way we are currently getting but to the energy wave, energy waves which are already in progress and will continue to come in the future.

COBRA – 這是已經到來並且將繼續到來的能量潮。

Lynn – Can you talk about the waves of energy we have received in the middle of December or since the middle of December?

Lynn – 談談我們在12月中或者從12月中開始接收到的能量潮。

COBRA – There have been waves of energy not just in that time period but in many time periods so it is not those particular time frame. That particular time frame is not extremely significant. I am still awaiting for the really significant energy waves coming in the near future. (Ok, thank you)

COBRA – 不只是在那個時期,而是在很多時期裡都有能量潮,所以不限於那些特定的時間範圍。那個時期不是非常重要的。我仍然在等待不久將來真正重要的能量潮到來。

Aaron – For those of us who feel we have not met our soulmates. Will we meet our soulmates after The Event?

Aaron – 對於那些覺得還沒有遇見自己靈魂伴侶的人,是否會在”事件”後遇到?

COBRA – In most cases, Yes. (alright)

COBRA – 大部分情況是的。

Lynn – Can you expect to see an increase in life span to 120 years and more after The Event?

Lynn –  “事件”後有沒有希望看到人類壽命增長到120歲甚至更長。

COBRA – Yes.

COBRA – 是的。

Aaron – There are lots of separate groups and individuals trying to create positive change with meditation but these are separate efforts and happen at different times. Since it has been demonstrated that combined group meditation does create larger effects, is there a way of linking or combining the efforts of each group even though they are meditating at different times to increase the field effect or the Maharishi effect?

Aaron – 有很多單獨的團體和個人嘗試用冥想創造正面轉變,但這些是單獨的努力,發生於不同的時候。既然證明了集體冥想確實造成更大的影響,有沒有一個方法能連接或者結合每個團體的努力,即使他們在不同時間冥想,以增強場域效應,或者瑪赫西效應?(注:印度瑜珈大師瑪赫西的超覺冥想,只要1%城市人口進行冥想,就能改善整個社區的生活品質。)

COBRA – It is very important that all groups meditate at the same time with the same purpose, to create a powerful Maharishi effect. So if there is a way to unite all those groups, I would be very interested. (OK)

COBRA – 很重要的是所有團體在同一時間帶著同樣的意圖冥想以創造強大的瑪赫西效應。如果有什麼方法能團結所有團體,我會非常感興趣。

Lynn – Will people heavily controlled by the Matrix and living in the lower spiritual level want changes for the better after The Event?

Lynn –  “事件”後那些被矩陣深深控制的,生活在很低靈性水平的人會不會想有更好的改善?

COBRA – Most people, yes.

COBRA – 大多數人是的。

Aaron – You said that in an interview that after The Event humanity will have to put as much effort and energy into maintaining our physical body. Does this imply that we will be eating less? If not what does this exactly imply?

Aaron – 你在一次訪問裡提到”事件”後人類要用同樣多的能量維持肉體。這是否意味著我們會吃得更少?如果不是,那意味著什麼?

COBRA – Yes, we will also be eating less.

COBRA – 是的,我們會吃更少。

Lynn – Is a black hole simply one opening of a torus?

Lynn – 黑洞是不是一個圓環面的開口?

COBRA – Yes, that’s a very good description.

COBRA – 是的,這是一個很好的描述。

Aaron – This one involves the Solar System. Were any of the souls placed in earth human bodies from catastrophes that made Mars uninhabitable?

Aaron – 這個問題關於太陽系。有沒有從火星大災難裡來到地球的靈魂?

COBRA – Yes, but I would say a very small fraction.

COBRA – 是的,但這是非常小的一部分。

Aaron – And can you tell about this. Where did the souls from Mars catastrophe go if they didn’t’ come to earth?

Aaron – 那些火星大災難的靈魂如果不來地球,他們會去哪裡?

COBRA – Most of them were evacuated to other star systems and are now far advanced in their evolvement and are not related to this planetary situation. (OK)

COBRA – 大多數人疏散到其他星系,他們現在演化得非常先進,與這個行星沒有關係。

Lynn – What are the protocols for reversing the entropy of the mitochondria?

Lynn – 逆轉線粒體的熵的方法是什麼?

COBRA – Those protocols are quite complex and again, it’s not possible to explain this in a few short minutes.

COBRA – 那些方法非常複雜,再說一次,不可能在幾分鐘裡解釋清楚。

Aaron – What are the protocols to raising your vibration high enough to perform telekinesis and bio kinesis?

Aaron – 如何把振動頻率提升得足夠高,進行心靈遙感或者生物改造(通過思想就能改變頭髮或瞳孔顏色,或者其他外貌特徵)

COBRA – This is only possible after The Ascension itself.

COBRA – 這只有在揚升後才可能。

Lynn – Can you clarify the importance of specific western astrological variables such as Chiron, the North Node and how they should be considered in making important decisions in our life path?

Lynn – 說一下西方占星學變量的重要性,比如凱龍星,北交點,它們如何對我們的生命道路有重大影響?

COBRA – You have just named two of the many points in a horoscope. There are many points that need. . . they are not the only ones that needs to be considered. We have the sun, the moon, the main planets. We have Chiron. We have other asteroids. We have the fixed stars, we have the lunar nodes and many other points that need to be considered to have the whole picture. I would not just focus on Chiron or the nodes to any particular situation. I would actually take into account all of those, their aspects, their progressions, transits, their interaction with houses and other approaches in western astrology, so it needs to be seen as a complex picture and not taken out of context. (OK)

COBRA – 你提到的是天宮圖上的其中兩點。有很多個點需要…它們不是唯一需要考慮的兩點。還有太陽,月亮,主行星。我們要考慮凱龍星和其他小行星,還有恆星,月球交點和其他點都要被考慮才能有全面了解。我不會只看凱龍星或者任何特別的交點。我會考慮到全部所有的,各個方面,星體移位,運行,它們的互動以及西方占星術的其他方法,需要作為一張復雜的圖像來看,不能斷章取義。

Aaron – What is the significance of the astrological birth chart or zodiac?

Aaron – 出生星盤(表示出生時當地天體運行情況的圖表)或者十二宮圖有什麼意義?

COBRA – Actually that’s a blue-print which determines to a certain degree what are the stellar influences influencing your life and of course you can always with your free will raise above that.

COBRA – 這是一定程度決定什麼星對你的生命有什麼影響的一張藍圖,當然你總是能用自己的自由意志凌駕它。

Aaron – Is the astrological birth chart different for each life time and if so, why?

Aaron – 出生星盤對每一世都是不同的?為什麼?

COBRA – Yes, of course because you are living in a different body and with different circumstances.

COBRA – 當然,因為你每次都用不同的身體,生活於不同的環境。

Lynn – Can you clarify/elaborate on why astrological birth charts differ and how significant those birth charts are?

Lynn – 為什麼出生星盤會有不同,那些星盤有什麼意義?

COBRA – They are different because people are born in different moments and the moment you were born there is a certain energy flash that goes through the physical body and the birth chart is, I would say a map of that particular moment. (very good).

COBRA – 因為人們出生在不同的時候,你出生時一些能量閃現通過你的身體,出生星盤是那個特別時刻的一張地圖。

Aaron – Is there a relationship between the sign Scorpio and the higher heart in that sense, what does Scorpio signify?

Aaron – 天蠍座的標誌與那個心形有沒有關係,天蠍代表什麼?

COBRA – No, no, no.

COBRA – 沒有。

Aaron – Transformation, creation, Goddess energy?

Aaron – 代表轉化,創造,女神能量?

COBRA – That is a possible description but it is not a very good one. (OK, thank you Cobra)

COBRA – 這是一個可能的描述,但不十分好。

Aaron – That’s it for the astrology. (OK)

Aaron – 這是為了占星術用的

Lynn – Cobra, can you tell us a little about the Taiwan conference that you had last weekend?

Lynn – Cobra,說一下上週末的台灣會議?

COBRA – Ok, so what is the question about the Conference?

COBRA – 關於會議有什麼問題?

Lynn – Is there anything you can tell us about it? Was it successful?

Lynn – 有什麼能告訴我們的,舉辦得成功嗎?

COBRA – Yes, yes, of course it was very successful. We had a very strong group. We have initialized certain projects and all this will be. . . we have actually started a cycle of manifestation for those certain projects. We were also speaking a lot about manifestation process itself. We went quite deep into this because when people understand this many things are possible. This was one of the focuses that we had for people to be able to understand how to manifest and we were then using this practically in manifesting certain very specific things.

COBRA – 是的,當然非常成功。我們有一個強大的團隊。我們已經啟動了一些計劃,我們實際上開始了一個顯化那些計劃的周期。我們也說到很多關於顯化過程的東西,我們非常深入地討論,因為當人們理解顯化過程,很多事情就會變得可能。讓人們理解如何顯化是其中一個重點,我們也實際地用這個理論顯化了一些非常特別的事物。

Lynn – Do you have any closing comments for us Cobra?

Lynn – 你有沒有最後的總結?

COBRA – I would say that we are living in a very key time in human history right now and we just need to keep pushing, keep manifesting the Victory of the Light for the planet.

COBRA – 現在我們正處於人類歷史上一個非常關鍵的時期,我們只需要保持推進,為行星顯化光的勝利。

Lynn – Well I sincerely appreciate you meeting with us. We’re going to be trying to do every 4 weeks now, instead of every 5 or 6, so we look forward to more information coming forth from you and we certainly have lots more questions and lots more areas to cover. So thank you very much Cobra.

Lynn – 衷心感謝。我們嘗試每4個星期進行一次訪問而不是每5,6個星期。所以我們期待你有更多信息告訴我們,我們肯定有更多的問題和需要提到的方面。非常感謝Cobra。

COBRA – OK. Thank you very much. Victory of the Light.

 COBRA – 好的,謝謝。光的勝利。


