

Urgent National Security and International Terrorism Alert

Received from reader with request to provide this information to our readers. You may want to get involved and use this as a guide to send your own letters to the appropriate individuals for where you live, including Wash DC.  Providing this information because we are personally aware of people who have been abused and victimized (murdered) by these weapons.  This report is providing TRUE FACTS.

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Please read the following notification carefully as it requires actions on your part and might have legal implications for you and your office in future.

I am writing to inform you of large-scale human rights violations and systematic physical attacks on the civilian population within all countries of the world using modern electromagnetic weapons and neuro-weapons, often in combination with non-consensual implants and covertly administered nanotechnology.

What makes these weapons particularly dangerous and devastating for societies is that they act covertly. Using the fact that electromagnetic waves propagate without being noticed by humans and can penetrate walls, these weapons can be used to destroy human life and permit the perpetrators to escape detection.

The systematic and clandestine nature of the crimes and their striking similarity around the world indicate that it is a global program run by the international military-intelligence complex committing premeditated mutilation, torture, systematic subjugation and a silent genocide of parts of the population. It amounts to crimes against humanity and a global death camp program.

I am writing to formally request that under you statutory duty to investigate crimes against humanity, protect the civilian population from acts of terrorism, communicate matters of national importance to your government and uphold human rights, or otherwise, you pass on this message to the relevant authorities and you yourself act within your means to ensure that all victim cases are investigated and that these large-scale criminal operations are shut down in your country by 1st June 2017.
我要藉由這封信懇請大家履行自己的法律義務。我希望大家開始調查這些反人類的犯罪行為;讓平民百姓們不受恐怖活動的威脅。請大家向各級政府傳達這件攸關國家的大事並且挺身捍衛自己的人權。 再不然,您也可以盡一己之力,將這個訊息轉交給有關單位;進而讓所有受害者的案件都能獲得調查並且促使這些大規模的犯罪活動在今年六月終止。

The actions you take in response to this communication will be followed up over the coming months and, should it turn out that you chose to ignore this notification and your duties to act to stop these crimes and to support the victims, you might be charged with, for example, official misconduct, malfeasance in office, dereliction of duty, conspiracy, aiding and abetting crimes against humanity, high treason or your legal system's equivalent of such offences. Should that be the case, you will be called to account and held liable in one of the upcoming court or tribunal cases for crimes against humanity.
您對這則訊息的採取的行動將會在將來幾個月內得到相對應的結果。如果您選擇無視這則通知信,也不在職權範圍內阻止這些犯罪並且幫助受害者,您可能會會面臨以下的刑事起訴:業務過失、瀆職、怠忽職守、圖謀不軌、協助反人類罪、叛國罪或所屬國家司法體系中相當程度的罪名。 萬一您真的遭到起訴,您將會因涉嫌反人類罪而走上法庭。

The attacks on victims are launched from mobile directed energy weapon units as well as telecommunication infrastructure such as cell towers and satellite systems. This is an integrated weapons system that has been built up covertly around the world. The weapons system is now fully operational around the world and is destroying innocent victims' life in the millions and is subverting nations covertly. Individual victims are hounded and tormented by the national surveillance networks, encircled by perpetrators at all times and systematically tortured and mutilated with electromagnetic as well as ultrasonic weapons in public as well as in their homes.

The assaults exploit the fact that beams from 
electromagnetic weapons are silent, invisible and can penetrate the walls of buildings such that victims can be assaulted everywhere without leaving traces that lead back to the perpetrators. By these means, victims are effectively placed into individual concentration camps that are erected around them by the intelligence agencies, corrupted members of law enforcement and their network of criminal operatives. 

This operation is accompanied by targeted slander campaigns, infiltration and subversion of every aspect of victims' life, including their social circle, their family, their work place and especially their medical care. Operatives enter victims' home clandestinely, damage property, sabotage computer equipment directly or remotely, poison food and run harassment campaigns to psychologically disintegrate the victims so that they are eventually driven to suicide or are murdered.

The electromagnetic and neuro-weapons have capabilities that transcend anything that the world has experienced in terms of weapons technology in the past. Due to their ability to attack and manipulate biological processes, inner organs and the human nervous system as well as neurological processes, these devices are the most dangerous weapons produced by mankind to date.

The effect on humans is devastating as the weapons can simulate many illnesses, cause pain and organ damage, brain damage, strokes, heart attacks and death. The most common form of harm through the use of these weapons is DNA damage and tumour formation and eventually cancer. DNA damage in the reproductive eggs of women alters the mitochondrial DNA and thus damages entire future generations. The operations of these weapon systems is therefore a threat to the future of humanity itself.
這兩種武器可以導致許多種類的疾病;造成身體疼痛、器官損傷、腦部損傷、中風、心臟病發作乃至於死亡。受害者最常見的傷害是體內DNA受損,進而生成腫瘤然後罹患癌症。一旦女性的受精卵帶有DNA 損傷,受精卵的粒線體DNA就會受到影響,進而傷害受害者所有的後代子孫。這些武器足以威脅人類的未來。

Another insidious aspect of these weapons is that they can be used to impair, alter and control human bodily functions, movement, behaviour and even thought processes often without the realisation of the victim. This can be used to subvert the functioning of every aspect of human endeavour from personal relationships, business endeavours, to democratic processes and the national security infrastructure of a nation.

Mobile directed energy weapons come in all sizes and have various capabilities. They are hidden by the perpetrators in adjacent properties, cars, drones, planes and even parts of the national infrastructure. Agents of the surveillance networks carry assault weapons in bags and rucksacks. This covert weapons system is fully integrated and centrally controlled. Victims who fled to other countries discovered that their assault protocol travels with them and is continued by the local surveillance and law enforcement system in whichever country they reside.

From what could be established from declassified documents, the organisational matrix of the assault teams follows the protocol used for the death squads run by the large intelligence agencies in, for example, Vietnam and South American countries. It is of paramount importance for national security to stop this terrorism and shut down the funding and the systems that enable its proliferation.

The weapons technology itself has largely been classified for a very long time. There are, however, countless publicly known cases from around the world where the weapons have been applied to individuals over many years with the intent to intimidate, torture, maim and murder. From the testimonies of those victims, many of whom have shared their plight online on blogs and through social media, publicly known patents and declassified documents, we know of the devastating effect of these weapons and the staggering scale of the crimes being committed around the world.

Please assist us in stopping this global silent Holocaust.


翻譯: Patrick Shih, Ray Chen
轉自: https://www.golden-ages.org/2017/04/24/2584/


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月22日訊息 【近況更新】


【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月22日訊息 【近況更新】
Situation Update

Now that the Cabal could not trigger World War 3 directly:


they have turned to electronic warfare.


Aside from many times mentioned plasma scalar weapons, they are now using directed energy weapons to their fullest, targeting key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in an obvious attempt to remove them from the surface of the planet, as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with the power of their unified consciousness are one of the main obstacles in Cabal’s plans to create global war.

Directed energy weapons are physical radio frequency, laser, microwave, sound or plasma beam weapons that can incapacitate the target:




These weapons are used by the Cabal agents worldwide, torturing a very important segment of civilian population:

(中文版連結: 美國國安緊急狀態暨國際恐攻警報)



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月13日訊息【和平冥想成果報告】


Peace Meditation Report

Although the critical mass has not been reached, our Peace Meditation was a huge success. Given the fact that we had only 4 days to organize this on a very inconvenient hour during a workday due to the urgency of the situation, and given the fact that the Cabal has almost completely blocked sharing this meditation on facebook, we were very successful.

Few hours before the meditation, there was this sign in the sky:


The very exact moment I wanted to post this meditation online last Friday, someone took a lot of effort to take whole Blogger offline:


It is interesting to note that the cyber attack to Veterans Today took that website down for 12 hours roughly at the same time. According to their sources, US Army Cyber Command at Ft. Huachaca was responsible, trail leading to General Mc Master. Apparently they do not wish THIS article to be published:
值得注意的是: Veterans Today的網站在上星期五也遭到網路駭客攻擊,導致網站關閉了12個小時。根據他們的線人表示:駐紮在瓦丘卡堡的美國陸軍網路指揮部發動了這次的攻擊,而幕後主謀就是麥克馬斯特將軍。顯然他們不想讓揭露敘利亞民防組織的真相文章曝光:


As Resistance has predicted, Tuesday was the point of maximum tension. The Archon families described here:


especially Orsini and Pallavicini, tried to activate Doom 33 endgame world destruction program through their Khazarian underdogs inside the Omega Grid to fulfill endgame prophecies:


This was swiftly prevented a few hours later when the Pleiadians have contacted some key people inside the Russian and Chinese military, which was made possible among other reasons also because of the energy support we made with our mediation to the energy grid around the planet. The Pleiadians had a short discussion with Putin, „telling him certain things he did not personally like“, but when they explained to him what is at stake, he understood, took the risk and chose to cooperate with the Light.

If all this sabre rattling worldwide does not stop soon, the following options are on the table, depending on the level of urgency: exposure, disclosure and removal.
如果全世界的動盪和紛爭沒有在短期內恢復平靜,光明勢力將依照局勢的緊急程度採取以下幾種應對方案: 曝光、揭露和肅清。

Exposure means Russian media exposing detailed intel about a) worldwide Illuminati network and their operations, and/or b) secret pacts between US government and negative extraterrestrials.
曝光意味著俄羅斯媒體將會具細靡遺地報導:1. 光明會在全世界的活動網路和光明會的組織活動 2. 美國政府和負面外星種族簽訂的秘密條約。


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉COBRA】2017年4月10日訊息【和平冥想更新】


【柯博拉COBRA】2017年4月10日訊息【和平冥想更新】PEACE MEDITATION UPDATE

Time is approaching for our Peace Meditation and the energies are rising as more and more people has made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. There were again many signs in the sky in the form of rainbow cloudships especially in Asia in the last days before our meditation, indicating that the Light forces are supporting us in this endeavor. Here is an example of Pleiadian cloudship creating a plasma purification vortex a few days ago in Taipei:

Next hours will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact or meditation will have on the planetary situation. Therefore I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide. Youtube videos are the easiest way to make this viral and they have been translated into 25 languages:
未來幾個小時將決定有多少人加入我們和冥想對於行星形勢造成多少影響。因此我想讓你們廣泛地傳播關於這次冥想的消息。 Youtube視頻是最容易的傳播方式,它們已經翻譯為25種語言:


Guided audio meditations have been created in many languages:


At meditation time, you can also join the online synchronized audio meditation in many languages here:


The link to the main Peace Meditation article with instructions is here:


Let’s do this!

Victory of the Light! 






【柯博拉COBRA】2017年4月9日訊息【和平冥想視頻】PEACE MEDITATION VIDEOS

Peace Meditation videos have been created in 25 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass!

We need translations in additional languages, especially Hindi and Bengali. Please send your translations to parlagisas777@gmail.com and videos will be created in your language and posted here.
 我們需要更多的語種翻譯,尤其是庫爾德語,北印度語和孟加拉語。請把你的翻譯發送給 parlagisas777@gmail.com,視頻將會做成你的語言並放到這裡。

English 英語:

German 德語:

Dutch 荷蘭語:

Danish 丹麥語:

Italian 意大利語:

French 法語:

Spanish 西班牙語:

Portuguese 葡萄牙語:

Russian 俄羅斯語:

Polish 波蘭語:

Czech 捷克語:

Slovak 斯洛伐克語:

Slovenian 斯洛維尼亞語:

Bosnian 波士尼亞語:

Macedonian 馬其頓語:

Bulgarian 保加利亞語:

Romanian 羅馬尼亞語:

Hungarian 匈牙利語:

Greek 希臘語:

Turkish 土耳其語:

Kurdish 庫德語:

Arabic 阿拉伯語:

Chinese (Simplified) 簡體中文:

Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文:

Japanese 日語:



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月7日訊息 【讓它發生!2017年4月11日和平冥想】


【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月7日訊息 【讓它發生!2017年4月11日和平冥想】



It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of reaching planetary peace is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Full Moon on April 11th to create a portal through which we will balance the energy field around the planet.
大家是時候再度展開行動了! 這一次我們將拿回地球命運的主導權!我們都同意地球解放任務已經耗費了太過漫長的時間。現在我們有一個可以齊心加速任務進度的機會。今年4月11日,我們要藉助滿月開啟一個平衡地球能量場的門戶。

We are doing this meditation to counteract the negative effects of the military escalation that is now taking place in Syria:


Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月7日訊息 【地表近況更新】 Planetary Situation Update


【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月7日訊息 【地表近況更新】
Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are intensively clearing the head of the Yaldabaoth entity with all plasma anomaly and plasma toplet bombs and all plasma scalar technologies of the Veil. Realizing that they are going to lose, the Chimera have stepped up the plasma attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are beyond brutal.


On Wednesday, the Light forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command have begun full force active removal of all plasma negativity near the surface of the planet. Every direct intervention of the Confederation forces inside the quarantine Earth provokes retaliation by the Chimera and they started first by trying to provoke nuclear exchange between USA and North Korea:



【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2017年3月PFC 訪談


【柯博拉Cobra】2017年3月PFC 訪談
 Cobra / Prepare for Change: March Interview

Lynn – Hi Cobra (http://2012portal.blogspot.com) Welcome to our March update. This is Lynn from www.prepareforchange.net and Aaron on sound and he’ll be doing half of the questions. So we will start with current event questions and then migrate on to other things. As always, we have more than enough questions. We’re going to get a little extra time with Cobra today so hopefully we’ll be able to get through more questions. Cobra, the first question I have is:

Lynn – Hi Cobra歡迎來到我們三月訪談。我是的Lynn,Aaron負責錄音,他會提出一半問題。我們會問一些有關當前事件的問題,然後轉到其他話題。我們有太多的提問。今天我們和Cobra會花多一點時間,希望能回答更多提問。Cobra,第一個問題是:

Will you please explain in detail to us the meaning of the Success of the February 26th, (2017) Etheric Liberation that we did for the Congo. It was a meditation and you told us that it was quite successful. We reached critical mass. Are there any comments you can give me on this?


COBRA – Actually I have released a detailed report about this. Basically what we have achieved is we reached a critical mass that was needed to actually penetrate the veil and create a lasting change in the structure of the plasma plane around this planet. We have basically sealed the Congo anomaly which is now in the process of extremely fast healing and this has triggered a strong chain reaction with other vortexes around the planet, especially the Syrian vortex and there were immediate effects 4 days after that Palmyra was liberated. There were many other effects. One of the most important effect was the strength of the negative forces have diminished greatly on the plasma plane around the planet since that time. They’re losing that territory very fast. (fantastic)

COBRA – 我已經給出一份詳細的報告。基本上我們達成了所需的關鍵臨界人數,穿透帷幕在行星周圍的等離子層創造了一次持續轉變。我們基本上已經封住了剛果的異常,它的正在被極速快速地療愈,對行星上其他的漩渦觸發了一次強大的連鎖反應,尤其是敘利亞漩渦。即時的效果是4天后巴爾米拉解放。還有其他影響。其中最重要一個影響是從那時開始行星等離子層的負面勢力被極大地削弱,他們正非常快速地失去地盤。

Lynn – I hope things improve significantly especially for Africa.

Lynn – 我希望事情有很大改善,尤其在非洲。

COBRA – They will. But of course on the physical plane this will take time and especially after The Event there will be more lasting changes on the physical plane. (wonderful, that’s really good news)

COBRA – 是的。但物理層面將要花一些時間,特別是”事件”後會有更多持續的轉變。

Aaron – Hi Cobra, this is Aaron and we’ll start out with the first question: Corey Goode says that he was told by the Sphere Being Alliance that their Job is the management and transfer of planetary populations. Is it possible that these beings are going to be in charge of the transfer & transportation of Earth’s population at the time of the planetary reset expected sometime after The Event?

Aaron – Cobra,我是Aaron,我們第一個問題是:Corey Goode說球體存有聯盟告訴他,他們的工作是行星人類的轉移和管理。這些存有是不是將會在”事件”之後,行星重置的期間負責地球人類的轉移運輸?

COBRA – OK. I cannot comment on Corey Goode’s intel so you need to formulate this question a little bit differently.

COBRA – 我無法評論Corey Goode的信息,你要用一個不同的方式提出這個問題。


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月3日訊息 【準備轉變團隊主持的柯博拉3月訪談節目】


【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月3日訊息 【準備轉變團隊主持的柯博拉3月訪談節目】
March Monthly Cobra Interview By Prepare For Change

Here is the March monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The transcript and the audio version are available here:




You can submit questions for the next interview here:


We are getting far more questions that can be answered in a one-hour interview. We will ask as many Cobra questions as can be answered in the hour allotted.

Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:



Victory of the Light!


翻譯:Patrick Shih