
【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年3月26日訊息【昴宿星人對春分週期的展望】



Pleiadian Perspective on the New Equinox Cycle




翻譯: Patrick Shih




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年3月21日訊息 【羅馬會議的簡短更新】



Short Update about the Rome Conference

This conference was a great success! Predictably, after one week of rain, the skies have cleared just as we started the conference. We were working again with St. Germain, putting an etheric virus in the matrix structure of the main planetary Jesuit/Archon energy vortex of Chiesa del Gesu, Palazzo Colonna and Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj in the center of Rome. Surprisingly, the Goddess energy can be found even in those strange places:

這次的會議大獲成功!意料之中的是,天空在下了一整個禮拜的語之後,會議當天剛好放晴。我們再次與聖哲曼大師合作,將乙太病毒植入到耶穌會/執政官主要星球能量漩渦的控制矩陣結構。控制矩陣位於羅馬中心地段的Chiesa del Gesu,科隆納宮以及多里亞·潘菲利宮。令人驚訝的是,我們在出人意料的地方發現了女神能量:




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年3月12日訊息【柯博拉羅馬新社會會議】



Cobra New Society Conference in Rome

This will be the first New Society Conference ever. It will be held in Romefrom March 15th to March 17th. Rome is an ancient city which holds the key to the control of quarantine Earth and also the key to the planetary liberation. We will come to Rome to unlock the second of those keys and assist in the liberation of the planet. This will be the first New Society conference by Cobra ever. The purpose of this conference is to create the foundation of the new society that will be created after the Event. It will be a working conference with the focus on manifesting the changes we all want to see happening. If you want to be one of the leaders, simply choose yourself and join us! We will be building a new world!


需要一位元教宗嗎? 就是我,我可以


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年3月10日訊息【植入物半球體和銀河中央太陽的活動】



Implant Hemispheres and Galactic Central Sun Activity

There has been a lot of progress of the Light forces lately on the non-physical planes. The Light forces are accelerating the clearing of non-physical negative entities and they are driving them out of all areas around the surface of the planet except from the so called implant hemispheres.


Implant hemispheres are areas of distorted spacetime continuum around the etheric implants. Each incarnated human being has received etheric implants by the Archons just before incarnating – the so called veil of forgetfulness.


Those etheric implants are actually multidimensional black holes which contain anomalous matter and distorted quantum fluctuation. Each human being has three of those implants and they create a quite stable interference pattern which keeps the consciousness of the human being within the Matrix.


This interference pattern creates an energy field of anomalous distorted spacetime structure around the implants with a radius of about 100 feet with the three implants in its center. This energy field was spheric until very recently. Last month the Light forces have managed to push the lower half of that spheric field of every human being towards the surface of the planet so now only the hemisphere above the surface remains. When many people are located close to each other, implant hemispheres tend to merge and create a unified distortion field. This is the main reason why the energies in large cities are not very good usually.


Those implant hemispheres look like this:


In the last week, many non-physical negative entities were driven out by the Light forces from all other areas into the implant hemispheres. These implant hemispheres are the only place where they are relatively safe from being cleared by the Light forces for now. The increased presence of Light is compressing the remaining darkenss. You were most likely able to feel this compression as extreme tiredness of the physical body which is undergoing intense tranformation. Many people also experienced energy attacks from the incoming negative entities and headaches because of increased implant activity . All this will be somewhat less intense from today onwards.


The most secure place for the negative non-physical entites to hide is in the sector of our implant hemisphere which corresponds to our traumatic experiences. When we experience a trauma, we tend to go out of the body and in that very moment usually negative non -physical entities attach to our energy field. Because the trauma is usually suppressed, we are not aware of those entities and they can carry out their plans undisturbed. This is the main reason the Archons have designed trauma-based mind programming.


Until now, the existence of implant (hemi)spheres was one of the main secrets of Archons and the reason of their confidence in the last 25,000 years. This intel is released now because the increased activity of the Galactic Central Sun will begin to dissolve the implant hemispheres. When they are disintegrated, this will be one of the biggest victories of the Light forces in the last 25,000 years.


The Galactic Central Sun is slowly beginning to increase its activity during this month of March. Comet Panstarrs is a cosmic trigger which will connect the consciousness of the surface population with this increased activity of the Cental Sun. This comet will make a spectacular show in our evening skies in the next few days:


The activity of the Galactic Central Sun will increase drastically after the activation of the portal on May 25th and will be extremly high during June, July and August. This is the time period within which the Light forces will be making great progress with deconstruction of the implant hemispheres. It is not possible to predict the progress of clearing of the implant hemispheres in detail because the exact structure of the anomaly within the implants is not understood well enough yet.


Increased activity of the Galactic Center is a direct consequence of a passage of an interstellar clound named G2 close to Galactic Center in the summer of this year:




The passage of G2 close to Galactic Center will not trigger a Galactic Tsunami nor a global coastal event as some people are afraid. There is no hot Jupiter star within that cloud so no Galactic Superwave event will be triggered. Anyway, the Galactic Confederation has shielding technology which can protect the ecosystem on the surface of this planet and also to stabilize the tectonic plates. So there will be no drastic cataclysm happening. But definitely strong energies will be present which will mercilessly continue to wipe out all darkness until the last Reptilian is gone.



翻譯: Patrick Shih




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年3月9日訊息【每週解放冥想─第二階段】



Weekly Liberation Meditations Phase 2

The planetary situation on the non-physical planes has improved to the point where we can begin with the second phase of our weekly liberation meditations.


To refresh you memory, you can read about the first phase here:


Or visit the main facebook group here:
英文: http://www.facebook.com/groups/234573276650941/

中文: http://www.facebook.com/groups/2012oneness/#!/events/284000841727502/


【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年3月7日訊息【女神螺旋】


The Goddess Spiral

The Light forces have asked us to create The Goddess Spiral, a special CD which activates the Goddess consciousness in the listener and helps activating the Goddess Vortex. The Goddess Spiral is a joint project between me, Isis and Medwyn Goodall. Isis is a codename for a woman who has personal contact with the Goddess Isis. The Goddess enters into her body, anchors positive energies into all planes of creation and sends blessings and love to everyone. Medwyn Goodall is one of the best composers of inspirational music on the planet and he helped us to create The Goddess Spiral. You can listen to the CD anytime you wish to go deeper into the Goddess consciousness or wish to accelerate the liberation process for this planet. Listening to the CD is especially recommended before our weekly liberation meditations.




【地球盟友】 【柯博拉Cobra】2013年3月3日訊息【女神漩渦冥想】



Goddess Vortex

Goddess Vortex is the ultimate technology of the Light forces which will finally dissolve the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes around our planet.


Goddess Vortex is a rainbow spiral of energy which encompasses all possible combinations of Light. It is a presence of an angelic being which transmutes all darkness into pure Light through an eight-dimensional stargate of the Antarion Conversion. It is a vortex of the presence of One which absorbs all anomaly of duality and ascends it into the One through the process of microtriangulation.



All Goddess Vortices create a network of Light on the etheric and astral planes which produces a morphogenetic field of Oneness that serves as an instrument of divine intervention on this planet. This network of Light will ultimately transmute all darkness on the astral and etheric plane and remove all negative entities until the last reptilian is gone forever and all non-physical planes around Earth will become realms of Light. This will set the right conditions for the Event.



Goddess Vortex is an Angelic Presence that goes through our bodies and anchors into the physical plane. You will be able to feel that Goddess Vortex in your body. Archons are allergic to Goddess energy. This is why the Catholic Church was suppressing women. The non -physical Archons are very allergic to this. Every time any woman or man channels that Goddess Vortex, thousands of reptilians are removed forever.


Here are the instructions to anchor the Goddess Vortex:

1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise
1. 雙手伸到頭部上方,開始依順時鐘方向旋轉。

2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow coloured stars scattered within that pillar of Light
2. 開始唱誦咒音: iiii或ee-ee或11111∼∼(拉長音)。

3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise
3. 繼續唱誦咒音,並持續旋轉。幾分鐘之後,把手放下,繼續依順時鐘方向旋轉。

4. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.
4. 開始唱誦eeeaaa(伊∼∼啊∼∼),讓咒音振動全身。接著觀想一個明亮的彩虹漩渦從心輪不斷擴大,包覆整個地球。然後呼請指導靈、揚升大師、昴宿星人、天使、雙生靈魂、靈魂伴侶、靈魂家族以及其他光之存有。

5. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.
5. 繼續唱咒音和旋轉,與自己召喚的光之存有們待在一起。

You can activate the Goddess Vortex anytime you feel guided to do so and this will strengthen the planetary network of Light and accelerate the purification process of the non-physical planes that will ultimately lead to the Event.



翻譯: Patrick Shih
